Ok so I have been thinking a lot and I can’t seem to find a date I know 100% will be home for… and now I know about the oortmas is going to be all month and people will want to do that from what I saw with the 24/7 hunts… (me included) plus with real life events and stuff this is part of why I am not sure what dates work for me. And I really don’t want to cancel my stuff in the real life like I did last year… Would everyone be ok if I was to host a Christmas maze event in January?
I still want to do the maze, don’t get me wrong… I just don’t know when to pick a date and time that I don’t go and over lap anyone by mistake.
I will still be doing sweet Christmas giveaways for the whole week of Christmas… sadly I don’t know how to do giveaways from the forums so only able to do it on my discord…
Would love to have feed back from all I said and again… still want the Christmas maze and even did the 2ed floor. So don’t think there will be non… just trying to see what will work for you guys as well as me:heart: