When using a defect removal solvent, Theres a chance it won't actually remove the defect. PLEASE REMOVE THIS HORRIBLE FORGE FEATURE

Interesting, I need to look in to this more then ^^

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I will give an example for this scenario. A level 4 AOE(all) gives a hammer a -1,140 damage. To counter that damage you use the devastating boon. To counter the penalty of multiple projectiles you use the devastating boon. If you use effect gum to get the devastating boon and longevity gum you can make a slingbow like a diamond slingbow that has over 8,000+ damage and a far range for a single shot slingbow. If you have slingbow mastery and slingbow epic along with devastating boon of 8 you can reach over 8,000 damage. With both slingbow skills and devastating boon at 10 I have been able to get a diamond slingbow just over 9,000 damage per shot.

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This is the best explanation for why there is a penalty on the heavy hitter boon, yet no one questions the damage penalty given for AOE.

This is much better than my justification for it, thankyou :smiley:

No problem. I have experimented with the forge for about 6 months straight to understand what is considered as a boon, quirk and defect to understand how the game determines by definition of each category and what things have a drawback back to them. It can get very confusing for people to understand the differences of each thing that you can get. I wish there was a way to make a complete description of how the centraforge works on each thing but unfortunately I don’t know how to make a webpage to explain the full effects of each quirk, defect and boon

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This is a list of all the boons and the effect of each level:

Perhaps you could create something like this in a google spreadsheet? This is much easier than creating an entire website.

I will try it out when I get a chance

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