When using a defect removal solvent, Theres a chance it won't actually remove the defect. PLEASE REMOVE THIS HORRIBLE FORGE FEATURE

I think this works awfully. I’m getting into lucent slingbow forging for my own use but the defect removal solvent doesn’t actually WORK sometimes. My best one was a blink bow. It had a boon that added weight that shows up as a defect and a defect for projectile speed. The projectile speed one is pretty bad :frowning: . and by bad I mean level 5+. Please remove that feature. :frowning: I saved 600 vigor to try and remove all debuffs. i wasted 200 that I could have used to put in more boons in.

What its doing is removing points from the defect but the defect bar probably cant accomodate it all. The roll should then go through and push some back into one of the existing defects or creat a new one.
Or it was removed and unfortunately re-rolled.

TBH defect removal 1 is useless unless you have only 1 or maybe two defects and it will NOT get rid of them. The only way to reliably remove a defect with type 1 is if you have very low total defect points and run a fate paste in conjunction with it…

Defect 2 IS useful, but youll likely need a lot, and you do NOT want to run a fate paste with it. You want the defect bar as close to empty each time so that the max defect point are removed and halved.


The added weight will do more damage I thought but comes at the cost of having a slower fire rate

But as I have never forged bows I could be completely wrong. I just don’t ever remember seeing one without the other

You are rite. I hate the heavyweight projectile boon…except on my shotguns. The added damage with the heavy weight makes it a harder punch, but you have to accept the absolute loss of range.

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This boon I feel is very misunderstood. Heavy projectile boon maxed out is an increase of 50% damage and the best way to overcome the penalty of heavy weight is to use a faster projectiles augment which almost completely negates the penalty. It’s not at all surprising that there is a price to pay for that much increased damage.

I have been recently toying with the heavy projectile on topaz bows also as a single shot option. Using these 3 boons - Devastating Damage, Heavy Projectile and Faster Projectiles. This allows me to use a damage augment on the bow instead of fast projectiles and the bows already fire fast enough so that I can use a strength brew and the resulting damage is actually quite spectacular as a result.

The faster projectiles forged well over powers the heavy projectile and this bow actually has a straighter/faster flying arrow than it does by default.


A forge effect that provides a benefit (more damage) but with a drawback (heavy weighted projectiles/less range) sounds like it fits the definition of a quirk more then a boon.

On topic, when there isnt enough space in the bar to fill the remaining defect points it dosent fully remove it. I would like to see this changed however as it gives little reason to use it.


It would require changing the entire mechanic of how defect/boon/quirk removal is implemented to change this, which I am not at all opposed to, but any change would have to ensure that all points removed went into another defect… however, then it becomes a Defect Transmute solvent… which is a much more expensive to make ingredient and for good reason.

As long as you understand how the ingredient works it though I don’t find it an issue myself, just my personal opinion of course. You need to remove a defect before you fill your defect bar too much and you need to realise that a level 5 (or whatever level) defect is not going to fit into the defect bar. In much the same way that the better you understand the mechanics of any forging ingredient the better use you can make of it.

A better fix I feel would be to simply change the title and give a better description of all the Removal Solvents as this is the exact same way that all of them work. In fact some title changes and improved descriptions could probably be useful on most ingredients.


Doh, I totally forgot my 3rd point boon transmute.

This is a miracle ingredient. BECAUSE, it can give you a near 100% prob of giving you what you want on a 2 boon gum. And increases the odds on a 3 boon gum from 33% to 50% (minus the odd percent chance your stack’o’gums fails you).

I LOVE multishot with damage augment. Talk about getting the best bang for the buck. I use heavy on my shotguns and just think of them as sawed-off. Close… but not close enough Mr. Wildstock



Another one then… of all the wonderous powers of defects, one that I think few people realise is that they are mutually exclusive!

When I get the critical damage defect on a hammer right off the bat, I jump for joy as it almost guarantees me the devastating damage boon next when I go for it.

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You are a master forger Sir! You see it don’t you, it’s not just weird green symbols scrolling down the screen!


Oh yes, there is so much depth to the forge and to be honest I’m sure that I don’t know it all, I still get occasional surprises when someone teaches me a new mechanic that I have overlooked.

I guess this is why I can get a little bit over passionate when I see blanket statements about all the “broken” parts of the forge by people who don’t understand the mechanics they are suggesting be “fixed”. But I do understand that this is always going to be the case because it has taken me an awful long time to learn what i have learnt.


For lucent forging, you pretty much need the removal solvent, but with general forging, I actually prefer to use the defect transmute solvent instead of the different removal solvents, especially for tool forging. Most of the time, you can just transmute to the critical damage defects and not worry about removing them, since they have no effect on a tool, and the defect transmute mats are way cheaper.


I like to use the defect catalyst. I stop the defects before they even exist! :sunglasses:


Yep I find this works even better than the catalysts… however it is only my second favorite approach to dealing with defects :wink::sunglasses:

The only time I use any form of solvent is for lucent forging.

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You know… There is at least one way to forge clean defect and quirk free lucent without solvent…

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You mean Soft Hitter :wink:

And yes that is amazeballs when it happens!

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I know of a method… but it seems very very “exploit-like” to me so I choose not to use it.

But perhaps you are referring to another way altogether that I am unaware of?

Faster projectiles augment increases projectile speed, right? It shouldn’t help with weight if that’s the case. Projectiles have 3 variables, range, speed and weight.

Range affects how long the projectile lives for, increasing the travel distance.

Speed affects how fast the projectile travels the arc, it doesn’t increase the max life time or the arc angle, just the speed.

Weight affects the steepness/angle of the arc.

So you can’t really counteract the projectile weight by increasing the speed. But it was a while ago when I tested these…

The added projectile weight isn’t considered a defect boon so defect removal solvent doesn’t work on it. Defect removal only works if the ability is given from the reel causing an increase in the defect slide. If the penalty isn’t given from the defect slide it doesn’t count as being a defect. It works the same way the AOE penalty does on hammers, shovels and axes.

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The flight path is determined by both projectile speed and projectile weight. Overcome increased weight with increased speed. (I’m quite certain this is physics… Weight and speed create momentum??)

For instance if you put increased range on a heavy diamond or rift bow alone it is a completely useless boon. But if you add projectile speed the projectile flight path will suddenly become straighter. Of course adding both lighter and faster projectile is even more effective… but heavy projectile and light projectile boon are mutually exclusive.

Edit: @Mayumichi I have added another paragraph to my explanation :smiley:

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