Where can I find a portal to a tier 3 world on Dzassak?

This game is blocking me from progressing again with machines and stuff and I need iron but this planet barely has any iron so I need to go to another planet but to get there I need iron. Super well thought out. Why does it have to be so confusing all the time? It’s a constant cris cros al over the place through variousmachines neding stuff so all I can do now is build a boring wonky thing amd then after wrads DECONSTRUCT it and START OVER. I just want my damn nicely cut stone bricks so I can build stop blocking me with dumb inane stuff. This is honestly dumb.

So, where are there portals to an iron planet so I can get onm with it?

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Machines like the refinery can be purchased for 10 coins. The workbench can be purchased for 0-3 coins.

Imdaari & Gyosha Ophin are the T3 planets that have the most iron per chunk.

Bricks can be purchased for 4 coins or less.


It’s overwhelming at first, agreed. However, the systems in place are not

The community here is amazing, and will help you if you need it, but aside from creative worlds, there is some grind…

That said, there are resources available to help you. “Boundlessinfo.com” will point you in the right direction to farm the materials, and “butt.boundless.mayumi.fi” will take you to a site that’s shows all stands selling and buying goods…hope this helps point you in the right direction!


It’s walking and walking to find those stands lol

Ironically, I’m perfectly fine with the high tier stuff being a bit of a grind but don’t they realise making the begining a grind literally drives peopke away? People like being creative in games like these but when you hard limit their creativity in the begining, why should they linger? Tey’ll just refund the game as "confusing"and “chaotic” because that’s what it is let’s be honest. Even the menus are chaotic. The game really lacks streamlining which is a shame because I always wanted to see this game blossom but they’re just shooting themselves in the foot here. It’s iron… a simple thing, it shouldn’t be blocked like this lol WOW I found TWO ore in 3 houres on Dzassak. Really?

Sorry you’re finding it hard to start. Honestly sounds like you might need alittle help understanding the game mechanics a bit better. I’m sure if you asked one of the many ingame players to show the ropes they would very happy to help. It’s actually very easy to get a lot of iron and all the starter materials quite quickly. Even if you search this forum a little you will find lots of player made guides and even in game builds that help you obtain the things you need.


I needed iron recently. Used the sites listed above, and got this in 3 houra…:heart: to the HOST-ist with the most-ist!

Also got a ton of fossils, tech, and coal…just sayin

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Dzassak has around 500k iron seams, but only 2 per whole chunk. This means it’s not great for mining iron.
There are many hubs with portals to T3 planets, farms, mines, etc. TNT, Ultima on Eresho, GTG, etc. Go to the sanctum, click on Dzassak in Worlds, then click on settlements. It will open a portal to the capital of Dzassak, which should be near a portal hub. Almost all portals lead to a major portal hub (TNT, Ult, etc).


Would also like to warn you in advance, I personally think bricks are mid-tier building mats. If you’ll be building decent sized structures, you might find it hard to fulfill your brick requirements if you’ll craft them yourself.

They are not that hard if you have a decent workshop and comfortable with farm hubs. But from my understanding, you are still starting out. Coins will help but starting players don’t have surplus of that as well.

You might want to dabble on refined rocks, refined woods, stones and timbers and probably some decorative rocks and woods. They are decently looking blocks as well. Just a suggestion to alleviate future frustrations.

It’s just that this game also has some sort of progression when it comes to building mats as well so it’s somewhat inevitable to upgrade your builds sometime in the future (if you do insist on using the higher tier mats)


Go play it then, gawd. Please stop raining on my parade…

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