Which planet do you hate the most?

Dagobah. It’s a long story.


Sandpaper me all you want… I have a bidet :crazy_face:

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The only planets I dislike are the lava ones since it’s frustrating to not be able to find a safe route from point A to point B in order to gather various things…that, and my latency tends to go up and down at random, leaving me guessing as to whether or not I’ll be alive after doing my little bouncy lag dance.

Kada I was kind of a pain when my friends and I landed there to claim our bit of the world, but I eventually grew to enjoy it. Most of our settlement has had to be filled-in and/or sculpted in some way or another to make it pedestrian-friendly and pleasant, as the area used to be giant rocky holes and mud/gravel pits as far as the eye could see. It was a slog at first, but now I have more fun chiseling trees, planting grass and creating gardens than building shops or houses. :woman_shrugging:

Houchus I Is actually one of my favorite planets. The colossal caverns below the surface look grand and beautiful, especially when the sun peeks through from above. It’s also just a lot of fun to swing around like Tarzan without having to worry too much about fall damage or lava lakes. :slight_smile:

Don’t really dislike a planet. Don’t favour them all either. Don’t know what people are saying but the lava is nice and warm :wink: better then swimming in icy cold water…
But see some points as in getting from point A to B across it. Maybe one of my to do projects :wink: add that to the TTC list of things to do. :joy::rofl::joy:

Any australian planet.