Who Will Take The Cake on Sochaltin I? ( New Capital Up For Grabs )

Well, it has happened, the grand SIN CITY FRANCOFUN has taken a torch to their buildings, and ashed the lot of 'em!

Residents of Sochaltin I have long wondered at the teeming metropolis, and it’s myriad of avenues and francophile based history.

Which city will take the crown? Stay tuned to this channel to find out!

Next … look at this silly Spitter on water skis!!


Isnt Sochaltin the first world? anyone who takes it will have a chance to take the capital on world ID: 1!


Ooh ill be back up on the Top 5 for the planet then, Love is working its way to the capital, but don’t count on it for another 5-10 years at my rate of building…


Sin city still alive


an ominous sound came from the underground tunnels below the ash :scream:

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OK, that is officially weird.

Yesterday when I dropped in I was somehow in Sin City and it was all ashes.

Did something have a hiccup yesterday, @Wonderstruck?

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strange fungi? oh wait a sec, i was hunting some bit back but recentish and looked up at Biitula and was aghast to see my peninsula on Biitula surrounded by nothing (and no, I made sure I wasn’t confusing the Tunnels with my house near Caldera)—I made sure I was looking at my house with a quare meteor stadium sort of thing (something I built like rightish after Duskmoor fell)… I was worried I’d built too close to The Park but he’s always so chill… so I went running there after the hunt and everything was fine. so maybe I ate the same shrooms too

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you called?

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sorry, i’m terrible about editing after i post, i added lots of words

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it was worth it for the joke :wink:

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