Who's staying Who's going....... Rented/Public Poll

I hate PayPal so much. Got me for a good bit of money after my card was stolen and I reported it. They did nothing about it. I would never use them again.

Why would the private planet payment be put through PayPal anyways? Using debit card or bank payment would be a better option wouldn’t it?

I see in post above that PayPal was speculation :rofl: thank God! Regular system used to buy cubits and GC would be best. I trust that system more then Payfail!


I think it’s pretty easy to offset this with a setup cost.

I don’t think it makes a ton of sense to pay 5x the monthly for a planet of the same size/capacity due to a one-off requirement. Maybe 2x - 3x but a hefty setup fee for the initial admin might be enough.

Now if they can offer different size or capacity planets (more users on the planet at once) that use more server resources, I can see costs for that scaling considerably.

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I think you’re right, my mindset was more of having the setup cost wrapped up in to the 6/12 month commitment so that, in the case a setup cost may be too big of an initial cost then it could be absorbed over several payments. After that commitment the rental agreement would revert in to a standard rental world I would imagine.

This is of course a bold assumption they’ll ever let us have that kind of hands on creation. Based off the work they’re doing on test it seems pretty involved.

No idea what they are going to use, but they need to select a payment processor that allows people to pay using many different payment methods. PayPal actually works with credit cards, debit cards, local payment methods, etc., etc.

Am sure there are more and better payment processors out there, but also believe PayPal is probably the easiest to implement. Like if they don’t have it fully automated yet it all just works with an email address, once it’s going to be integrated into a fancy website then it’s easier to go with one of the other processors…

The workshop, the base, the warehouses, all that I take to the private world and I would dedicate the public world to business: the store and develop some ideas that I have.

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Looks like you can do half a year