Why are there no exos again?

If the company is as small as I have heard rumors of it being then I completely understand that maybe they are focusing on getting new updates out instead of exos. I have looked at what it would roughly cost to start a gaming company and it costs a lot to run a company. They may be trying to figure out what would be best to do which is understandable. If I was to start a small company it would at least take a quarter of a million dollars just to start a company. The problem then comes to what to do to clear out a loan that high. They may be trying to figure out what is more important to make money to keep making profit. If that is the case then I am fine with it if they can keep the company and game going. Sometimes you just have to be patient and wait.

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So… Still no exo! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s normal for people to want to request something. But the beauty of boundless compared to 99% of other games (on PlayStation especially) is that the devs are so engaged within the community. I think that it’s a beautiful relationship that’s been made, and will most definitely become harder once the game reaches its full potential, where we all know it will one day.

No matter how random something is, if regular players want something within the game… then surely giving it them is a wise thing? What does withholding it achieve other than frustration? There isn’t a big enough player base that it affects the economy/market that much

Just my 2 cents :man_shrugging:t3:

Now everyone stop arguing, share the love :heartbeat: :v:t3:


I propose that the issues with exos could be addressed without changing what makes them so special.

In my view, exos are special because:

  • They are chaotic, both in type and frequency.
  • They have resources that are otherwise unobtainable.
  • They are unobstructed by beacons and properties.
  • They present new terrain features that dont exist elsewhere.

As I see it, the biggest issue comes from one of their greatest assets- with the exception of natural blocks like wood, stone, or gleam, all resources on exo planets are a limited resource. Once they are extracted, they are gone forever. People who arrive to an exo late find it increasingly difficult to find resources until the planet is effectively barren. I feel this is the first issue that should be addressed. If everyone gets a relatively even crack at an exo’s resources, then the periods of drought between are dramatically less impactful, and being the first on a new world is significantly less of a requirement to take advantage of its resources.
I would like to see delayed natural regeneration of resources, similar to but slower than permanent worlds.

Next, I would add (more) bias to the color palette selection when generating new Exos to exclude or reduce the frequency of colors that already exist in permanent worlds, or that appeared in a previous Exo’s palette. This will help Exos feel more unique and special when they do appear.

Only after these two primary issues have been addressed, move on to the third issue, which in my opinion is the frequency of Exos. It’s ok to have 2-3 exos in the system at once, but there needs to be a follow up period where there is no exo available at all. This will make the appearance of an exo a notable event once again, and the appearance of multiple exos something to be really excited about!

Lastly, exos need something more than just resources to discover. Every exo should have it’s own short story… a mystery to be discovered and speculated on my observant explorers! These stories could be told by prefabricated terrain sets. A planet could have ruins of an ancient people. Another could have skeletons of colossal beasts. Another could be infested with fungi, or a desolate waste. How does one communicate that a planet has it’s own history before it became an exo, and what might be its fate after it leaves? I leave that to the creative minds at Winderstruck to write, and the inquisitive minds in our community to discover.


I wouldn’t say exos represent the sole end game content for me, but they r a valuable part of the game. Crafting, building, mining, hunting, farming, and exo exploration these r the features and content of the game. I find all equally valuable and entertaining. But periodically removing one of these thing lessens the overall enjoyment of the game. Same as if they put a hiatus on being able to build or hunt metiors for a week, it would just be less fun. I want options, and veriety. Fresh new stuf keeps me interested and inspires me to create new builds.


I agree, and it is especially annoying because I just started exploring them.


I still disagree with this. If I didn’t have building and such to do, I would just play another game. Perhaps you would still play boundless, but not everyone is as hooked as you or me.

If there is a mechanic that makes a decent chunk of players take weeklong breaks, those players will keep taking longer and longer breaks until they eventually quit.

Perm planets are pretty boring at this point. If I were a pure explorer or pure plant harvester, I would have quit after the second or third exo lull without explanation from the devs.

One point I also want to address is the discussion on cost of “renting a server” for the devs. They aren’t renting servers for 5 days at a time then cancelling those rentals. Server time doesn’t really work that way AFAIK (correct me if I’m wrong here). I’m 99.9999% sure they are renting those servers monthly. Yes hypothetically you could probably rent a server for 5 days at a time, but it’s pretty unlikely, it isn’t the business model, and it would probably cost more than normal monthly rentals because it would be so weird to do. Since the most exos we have seen is 3 (or 4?), my guess is they are renting three servers 24/7/365 the same as all the other planets. They just don’t use those servers when there isn’t an exo up. I would have guessed 4 servers for 4 regions, but I’m pretty sure there have been two AU exos recently. So basically, when there aren’t three exos in the sky, wonderstruck is paying to have servers do nothing at all. Which I am fine with, I like a little randomness too, but I wanted to make sure people aren’t harping on the idea of having 3 exos for the day costing more. Correct me if I am wrong @lucadeltodecso

I’m curious - are lulls part of the current mechanic? As in, does the game periodically make a lull automatically by design? Or are they purely related to updates? @lucadeltodecso

Another way to put it:
“In boundless you can do anything you want, any time with no limits! Unless it’s tuesday. On Tuesdays it is bounded.” (I know it’s not really Tuesdays)


Exo planet would not need it’s own server. It can share a server with the permanent worlds at no extra $$.


Here I would think more data usage on a server more cost. But as i don’t know the costs behind servers id have no real idea.

Also would that mean we’d essentially be paying the server costs for boundless when rentals come out since they will have planets hosted on their servers?

I miss my exos lucent to be exact. Umbris to be more exact. I’ve been sick this last week and mining is calming and something to do. So pretty pls @Leahlemoncakes or @james give me an exo. To get my mind off my health. I’ll have the gf sent u cookies or lemon bars. With Rose’s

I don’t know that that’s a problem. No game can keep a person’s attention all of the time, for extended periods. If we were to conclude that it is a problem, then it’s a more systemic problem than lack of exos. Adding more would be a band aid at best and a negative to the people who prefer the rarity.

From my experience (and part of the reason that I don’t really get excited about playing) it felt like a player is supposed to enjoy many different aspects of the game, so that they always have something to do. No individual system really feels deep or engaging enough to bring in and keep a player who only enjoys one or two of those features. This game is very much a vast but shallow pond.

So long as there’s enough money to keep the lights on and development continuing, there’s really no harm in accepting a game isn’t for everyone. Realistically, it’s in their best interests to care first and foremost to the customers in it for the long haul and not the ones who, without a constant run of new things to do and see, will leave sooner rather than later.

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I’m ok with non regenerating feature on exos (and non working regen bombs on lucent seams) as it obviously give rarity value to lucent stuff, wich is good for trading between players imho. But I’m only ok with that fact as long as we can go farming thoses ressources, wich we obviously cant when no exo is showing up. I’d favor 2-3 exos at a given time AND a choice between 2 lucents exo available at a given time. So players would compete not just for only one planet, but two potential planets for lucent stuff => more opportunities for casual players. So far exo exploring is the only “high end” appealing content to my eyes, as there is no real pvp in that game beside plot war or regen bombing someone (wich is probably very close to griefing in both cases)… Edit: I’d even favor a true pvp exo where we could fight each other, but i know its a game design decision that has to be made in alpha stage of a game, not in a released game, the network coding here is really poor too much rubber banding to be realistic, that would mean a total rework of the game engine network coding, wich is obviously impossible (cost wise and dev time wise) until a “boundless 2” game…

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Exos are NOT special content. This is because they have tied completion of objectives & feats to them. Collection needed for resin & petroil are so crazy high as to to unachievable even with regular exos

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James-chan is Baking :cookie:s for Leah-chan for Valentine’s no time for Exo

Damn is this thread still going.

Wonder how long before someone declares:

A) a breach of their human rights
B) goes on hunger strike
C) insists that if they dont get one Noooooow they will get a steam refund

(I say these in jest, let the rage comments begin)


You forgot:
D) rage against a fellow player and leave their settlement in a huff


Too soon? :rofl:

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Nah, not st all…but did you mean

D) raged against a fellow player, they left my settlement in huff :slight_smile:


*shops may also suddenly disappear without warning

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Nah, that would be option E) but haven’t seen anyone do that yet :wink:

Disclaimer: it’s always the other one’s fault :slight_smile:

On-topic tho, am sure we will get exo’s for the weekend, I believe we always got them at Friday eve when we were completely out of them and/or when we asked for them, so no reason for it not to happen this eve!

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@DKPuncherello we actually can (and in some cases do) pay for servers charged by the second.


Well good to know then! By the second, wow haha