Why do people want private worlds?

But it’s not like it’ll carry over into the rest of the game. That would be horrific P2W…so what’s the point?

A server with “normal” rules could carry over into regular servers - it’s just another planet.

Only if you can’t restrict access. If anyone can farm there, fine. But paying for exclusive, custom mats that can then be used/sold in the regular game is not acceptable.

I can say we do not have the planet yet. Where you get that info.

I think they were considering a tinting machine at one point to also negate this advantage.

Man, I hate that idea too. Then what is the point of different worlds?

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But that would be pay 2 win? Private world can’t be on live and I don’t see any benefit to play alone in your own world.

To make a beautiful planet to live on I guess, and possibly be able to spray some Troll-Away if anyone wants to play “I’m not touching you/I’m not breaking CoC.”

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I was kinda hoping you could make a T6 though, have your own planet to mine. Not that you’d need it. But it would be nice to be able to do some things without being in other people’s way.

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Heard someone mention that you were already working on it.

Probably just the pre-planning stages then I assume?

I always thought what they menat by a tinting machine is that you still need to find the colour you want something to change to. So if I want wood in a colour that’s not out there but it is as grass, gravel, rock, etc. you throw them into an Extractor with a bunch of other mats, get a tint out of it which can then be used in a Refinery to tint some wooden blocks with that colour.

This way we would be more flexible in the colour materials. Often enough I wished some wood colour was also available as a rock and vice versa…

Honestly tho, I much prefer it if there was a way we could combine 2 colour (or more) into 1 block. I once suggested where you place red block A, chisel something out of it, then somehow place blue block B INTO it and the parts that were chiseled out get filled up with the blue block’s material and colour. It could emulate having smaller blocks (one eight of a regular block size)…

No, I don’t think it would - read carefully what James said: that world must follow the same resource availability/spawning rules as the rest (so, no gems on low level planets or some huge gleam prefabs just because you wish to have them).

Having a say on the world colors it’s only speculation here, and even if it happens in future, I don’t think it would change much in terms of possible monopoly and easy coin made on some highly demanded rock or trunk or even gleam color; a possible advantage of having a rented world with some nice colors of blocks is of little advantage it seems to me.
I can go and plot some resources now on any world, no need for rented planet. I can now try to find a world and resources that can become my money-maker, but this way or another new worlds will be generated to provide resources that become limited. Other than that, not so many players are so crazy about one specific color blocks to chase them and pay any money thus supporting monopoly attempting players.

But I don’t care about that. I would want my server open to the public so any one can build/mine there. I just want a specific style of a place to build an epic build in. I’m not trying to be the only one who has access to a specific color block. Let everyone get some. I just want my build to look how I envision it.

At first I wanted a private world i could choose some pleasing colors and such for, but still connect to the main.

Now I want one I can just go full ham creative mode on.
Mostly bc I’m just tired of having to grind for hours or even days just to get a small part of the project I want to do just simply started. It’s just… Boring. And before I even start i just scrap it.
Regardless of anything I may have implied before (too modest) I’m actually a very creative person, and love projects. As long as I have the materials easily accessible.
Heck, in Ark i have no problem gathering what I need to make my items before I start building, because it’s not over complicated and takes 30 steps, 800 items, and countless hours of wait time.
Conan even had less requirements. I thought making bricks on there was a lot of work for my palace. I look back on it now and laugh! Cake in comparison.

I’m not retired. I’m not a young student, or a stay at home parent. I drive a 60mile round trip drive every weekday, and pray I don’t need to again on weekends. Other, more personal responsibilities on top of all that.

Ok, end rant. Sorry. What I’m trying to say is i wanna actually do what i want to in the time I have to play.


I want a public rental world if I can set building permissions for folks. Basically create a white list of trusted builders. That way there is a higher probability of less people purposefully plotting next to someone else that doesn’t want people building next to them. This way if someone does get white listed and decides to be a scum bag, they lose the rights to build. Full stop. Period. If that pisses someone off, I honestly don’t care.

Another reason is to have a place where I can build a community of my own on and get additional rental worlds as needed to create a Portal Network for those worlds but also have connections to other non-rental worlds.

The problem I see with toxic behavior will only increase as the player population grows. So I feel like I should have my own corner of the game that I can grow myself that has protections to prevent this. If rental worlds don’t have proper owner settings, like what I’ve described, then I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever pay for one and most likely straight quit the game as rental worlds are the reason why I became an early backer and have played the game as much as I have. I don’t care if people think negatively about that. If I am renting a server I should have some reasonable authority on that world, end of story.


Because the grind is boring.

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I’m already building in the middle of nowhere by myself. Dont really see a need for private worlds there’s plenty of room to be alone.

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I don’t see any point in private world’s either.

There is no way that you could do this and allow any items to transfer into the actual game.

Allowing a player to control access to a world full of resources, whether it followed the same rules as the rest of the universe or not, and then be able to bring those items into the game universe would be one of the biggest P2W ever.

Also, it would be P2W to allow XP to be earned on a private server.

If, however, a private world/server made no impact on the game universe I don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t understand why someone would want to pay for it.

I tried doing that on my first planet with a friend, than some a holes came and did a force merge. I had maybe two weeks of alone time. Tore it all down and gave up on ever being able to be alone. Also had a house on my own near a lake in the middle of no where as well and again same thing happened forced merge. So I really hope you get to stay alone if that what you want

renter worlds will be design by owner so u can choose what u want in there and how this world have to look :slight_smile: