Why do you not like to tell the percentages?

Hi =)

I’ve began to look into forging, and me being somewhat of a perfectionist, i want to find the best way to forge, the formula for each situation. Which i can not do, because of gums. Tooltip says that gums increase the chance of getting a certain kind of boon. By how much? im so annoyed with that for some reason. It leads me to either not using gums at all, or when i want to use them, i pump in like 6, so that its an overkill for sure. I know that most people use 1-2 and are happy with how they affect the forging, but i thought that maybe there is a reason not to give percentages away? if there is, i would love to know it, and if there is not, i would love to know the percentages… not player-figured-out percentages, real ones.

This also is the case of food, yea, you can figure out food tiers by leveling Food Crafting one point at a time and looking in ur crafting station, but how do i know what exactly do they do? Like i had to google what “Well fed” buff does, and by how much does each tier of exp food increase the exp gain, so that i know if the next tier is worth investing into at this point, or should i wait till i can craft it myself.
I might sound completely stupid, and everyone might already know why we have no official percentages anywhere, and buffs are obsruce (so are the debuffs, unless im stupid and they’re all listed somewhere ingame) but i would like to know :smiley:

Believe me, as a shop owner that sells brews and food, this is my gripe as well. They need to enhance the UI so it shows the stats better. In the meantime, I hope this helps;

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Yea, i’ve seen this =)
Im just not sure, was this the intention? Make the players figure stuff out? If so then sure, ill do the tests. But it cant be true… to me the absence of exact stuff looks like some kind of a mistake for some reason

No. Just bad UI design. Either they didn’t know or they had further plans but deadlines got in the way and this is what we got. Game UI is a long process and very iterative. I’m sure they’ll improve on this…eventually

Added in the next patch! :smiley:

Forging ingredients have been left as they are in the time being, will evaluate them overtime, a mix of UI and gameplay decisions to be made :thinking:



And it will be released on…?

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Keep an eye out for announcements , im sure “The Steggs” will say something when he’s ready!

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Player: “Well, a new release can not be predicted, just like the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.

sudden music as developers tumble into the thread

Developer: “Indeed. Our chief weapon is fear. Fear and surprise. Fear, surprise, and a fanatical devotion to the game. Among our chief weapons are fear, surprise, a fanatical devotion to the game, and these cunning warm cherry uniforms…

So, it will be a surprise. Steggs is probably quivering in fear trying to make sure the release notes are complete.


I hope so! Not that he’s quivering, that the notes are complete. :crazy_face:

Thanks! Come over to Deen’s Kitchen anytime and I’ll cook up some Energizing Risotto for ya!