Why I quit. Came back. Quit. Came back etc...?

Hubbit main hub is on seginiaki now. I think the network is on it’s 3rd (4th?) owner/manager and recently merged with Iconic.

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Yes, iconic provides the high yier planet access.

Edit: I left storiss2 long ago when super rad moved. Never looked back. I returned to beckon but there isn’t anything to bring me back to storiss .

Well its slow but still going^^
I mean you keep coming to check things out.

First Sliver of roads are almost layed down. Have to rezone but after that its just a question of joining the main guild and ill assign you building rights and even a storage spot.

No need for GC so long i own the plots its safe for 61 weeks at least.

Greetzz From The Terra Collective ^^ (also just one builder)


If I had the ability to move my build…

Well, here’s why I quit…

Oh wait… I never actually quit. I’m still going strong. Has it really been nearly a year already? Dayum.

I believe I protested for an angsty day and a half when I found out gleam wouldn’t be tintable; climbed a mountain and I turned around… all that jazz. :man_shrugging:t2:

I dunno. I suppose I just swallowed my pride, plans & personal reasoning because here I am. Long Live Boundless!! HUZZAH! :fist:t2::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey bud! Hope all is well on Sorissi!

I pun and word-play too much for my own good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just tested it, huge bummer. So it’s back to square one- hoping a mini game gets added lol. Really though I am going to keep trying things out with ice and trampolines and other blocks. Water can alter physics too…

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Good to see you poking your head back into the game man, looking forward to whatever it is you decide to build this time if you’re sticking around.

If you’re wanting to make some coin or earn some tools I’d happily commission you to design and build some things for me. Just offering as an alternative to your usual gathering and selling.

I know that feeling. I started to plot a bigger area on Eresho, but you are right, the planet seems to be empty. Maybe the whole players are on higher tiered planets now. I must look at the stats, but the Ultima Hub is full of plots, you must ask to use (I think).


I wouldn’t call it a complete loss as long as everyone plays honest. Still sounds like a fun idea!

Going to make the zones harder and simply allow for stopping. I was testing it last night and found that with the shoot-hard-then-stop style of play i really lost my touch on the shot itself. Opposing philosophies make for exciting rivalries!

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maybe sky rings you have to race through? grapples used. kinda like how sonic had to jump through gold rings…idk

Could have water pit hazard areas where you try not to fall into the water as you grapple around.

someone had an idea for a miniature golf type game like that. Start at the top of the building and you have to fall through the holes to get down to the next floor. Could have ramps/slopes/hazards of all sorts

Do you think the people who paid Uber amounts of money for plots around the old hub just quit?

crazy remembering 40 or so people that used to be around the old hub 24-7. Now you can walk around the old hub all day and never see anyone all day

And the new hub. A second ago, there was 1 person at the new hub besides me.

I did notice their are more hubs now. Maybe everyone is spread out using all of them

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I remember not being able to get into Finata because of the 60 person planet cap. A lot!

Those were the days I guess? Haha