Why is Boundless population so small?

Also cuase off the size limit in character creation


myself after thinking about it more i believe it’s a few factors

early release

i really really honestly believe SEC did a lot more harm than good by arm twisting the devs to release early the game was just not ready there was next to no content and it put off a lot of people who may have not been following the forums enough to know that it was a soft release loaded up the game only to see the game was still in early access.

lack of communication.

i know its not the devs jobs to give us daily updates or anything but something like how bliz handles updates would be 1000000000000% better look at WoW classic for example shortly after release they made a forum post with the long term road map saying “ok BG’s are phase 1,raids are phase 2 etc” they did not give a time frame just let the playerbase know they where still releasing content and what to expect down the line.

the problem with our current communication method is 9/10 that kind of info comes form when a thread ping spams the devs asking for input or info and they cave and post so a average player would not know whats going on unless they spend hours reading threads they dont care about hunting for dev posts cuz we don’t have a cenetal “road map” post or a system like this

find all dev/CS posts

or a dev posted here icon

this would be 100% doable has bliz use’s the same forum software has BL(if not the same really really close to the same)

the Radical changes

this due to what i sated in my first point i think is the main killer here the devs are still releasing 1.0 content in a 1.0 environment this sometimes means needing to rework systems in order for content to work IE the lighting change but they got 1 hand tied behind there back now cuz with the full release status some players (my self included) believe that brings a certain level of safety like no more wipes(this could prove to be a pain in the butt for the devs down the line) and having Radical changes only happen with the release of a expansion pack.

so its going to turn away lot of people who pick up the game or old players cuz they build something then something huge changes and now the build they spent weeks or months on have to be rebuilt i honestly think its unavoidable and changes like the lighting change are going to happen again but it will keep the game to the hardcore crowd rather than the casual playerbase

You can now search all topics with a dev response by entering badge:wonderstruck but it doesn’t show all individual posts if there are multiple dev posts in a single topic.



Was showing my friends the new updates pretty hard to show them though thks to @Jiivita for his vids it’s only decent way to show them Def need a better list with pictures somewhere
Half the forum post you don’t even get pictures our you need look what we post ourself

Minecraft has creative mode

It would be awesome if ps4 had a testing open word like pc has…that would be awesome to just create my own stuff freely

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There are drawbacks…sometimes it’s reset and you have to start over and you have to maintain your beacons…GC doesn’t apply there


I am happy with that

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I might be wrong, but I think it’s a ‘Sony’ issue and it can’t happen in the foreseeable future.

I think Wonderstruck has to get content and stuff approved every time before it can be available on the PS, whereas for PC they can put out test releases that are allowed to have flaws and issues.

I’d guess the only way you’d be able to have a creative-style playground on PS is if Wonderstruck made a universe that mirrored the same code as the live environment, but gave some access to a creative menu… but then you still wouldn’t have access to new features until they hit live.

The population ain’t small; It’s cozy.


Don’t know if that’s true or not…I do have over games that has beta on them. But I am definitely no expert in the do and donts of sony…your more than likely to be correct

It’d certainly be interesting to know… It could just be that they can’t make a decent interface for PS users for the cheat menu :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nab a PC/laptop off craigslist or from a Goodwill :wink::upside_down_face: even a cheap rig with an i3 would work
They are handy tools for work & play :grin:

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In response to the demand for private planets/servers - how would splitting the small player base help increase the number of players?
Edit: I didn’t edit anything. Not sure why I clicked edit.

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Hopefully it brings more players total to the game. Maybe not all in the same universe but at least contributing to the cost of running the game.

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I gotcha. I didn’t even think about it that way.

I’m not strongly for or against them…if the price & permissions are right, I’d prob rent one tho.

People that want a purely solo experience, probably aren’t playing much at all anyway. If they add some type of rental/private world, they could gain new players/customers. It’s just a different game mode really. I doubt it would have any effect on the main universe. Lots of popular games offer a variety of mode options: MC, Terraria, Cv, etc. People just probably expect a game like this to offer it, these days. Maybe that solo player then tells their friends to try the :wink: game.

I think if BL were able to offer private or more controlled regions, moons, clubs, etc…it might quell the desire/need for some to have a rental planet. I dunno.


I’ve been playing Boundless for a year now. Only reason I knew about it was because I accidentally clicked on a YouTube video that I thought was for something else. Because of the video I did a google search and read up on the game. At first I was reluctant to try Boundless. The idea of buying a game that was server based and I really didn’t own, and what if the severs went down ??, seemed like too much of a risk and a waste of money to me at that time so I didn’t look any further.

A few weeks went bye and I had forgotten about it Boundless. It was just by chance that I was on PS4 and it was listed in my recommended games because I was currently a heavy NoMansSky player at the time. I did really like the concept of what I had seen in the previous YouTube vid, so I did alittle more research and watched a few more videos. Dam it looked sooo fun!!. Alittle more research I found out the game was releasing for PS4 in a few days and the price for the base version was reasonable to at least giving it a try…but… ugggh the server based game without a console based version of the game was really holding me back. After watching a few more YouTube videos I was really wanting to try the game more and more. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy in. And here I am a year later playing almost everyday.

To summarize my perspective on the lack of players from PS4; there is no local console mode/version of the game, if it fails I have nothing to show for my money. The only reason I found out about the game is chance, there’s no promotional content (where is square enix and what do they do for Boundless??). If there was a trial period of 1 or 2 weeks, I would of had no hesitation in trying it out. I can guarantee I would have bought the deluxe copy of the game.


Isn’t No Man’s Sky the same? Haven’t played it so not sure, that’s why I’m asking.

NoMansSky is similar but it’s not MMO and I play off of the console. You don’t have to play online for game play.

Edit; well… at least you didn’t have to play online when I was playing it a year ago.