Why is Boundless population so small?

Maybe that’s what is holding Boundless back. Maybe it really is time to just transition to a Minecraft model and allow people to host their own servers.

I hope they don’t. That’s a deal-breaker for me. Plenty of MMOs do just fine without becoming soley a local/co-op license or just going to private servers. If they do offer that, I hope they keep the online MMO version or I’m a goner.


minecraft model was on the dev radar for 4 years now

A lot of games offer different versions…I’d never refer to them as “MC models”. There is also a big difference in adding a different game mode and totally transitioning the entire game to something else completely.


I think the devs at this point have learned their lesson on making ham-fisted radical changes to the game; they aren’t well received by the community, and each episode has cost them players. I will agree with the devs that some of these changes have “made the game better,” but then a lot of players didn’t stick around to see whether the results would be positive or negative. And even if some players 5x :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: loved those nerfs to the MaXXoR, one player liking the game twice as much is < two players leaving.


The changes they’ve made were all for the sake of encouraging their MMO vision.

Radical changes aren’t the issue. The issue is its unclear if even with a huge marketing blitz whether or not the interest is even there for MMO Boundless.


I remember back in the day (when there was only alts, no skill pages), a number of us pushed to be able to do it all on one character eventually, after much work. Skill pages were the compromise solution that the Devs came up with between ‘doing it all on one character eventually’ and the then “1 character has one set of skill points”.

I don’t think it really solved the issue. You still can’t do it all (fully) on one character, people still seem to have very same-y builds for specific purposes and people still fill in their deficiencies with alts so that they can still ‘technically’ do it all. However, there was one issue (that wasn’t just people saying that they didn’t like it for arbitrary reasons) that the ‘all on one character’ ideology does bring up - PvP and combat balance. With the current combat mechanics I’d say any kind of PvP would be rough, but down the line I believe it would be good for the game, despite me not wanting to participate in it at all.

A possible solution might be to separate combat skills from PvE skills, and only limit how much you can spend in combat related skills. Though it would probably mean a big rework of the skill trees to make sense. Whatever the solution, it is something that should probably be looked into first if they ever were to make the step toward actual sandbox play.


I agree with this so much. Having one character with all skills maxed would make combat even duller… everyone would be op tank/dps/healers and the only difference would be in their inventory. I like that it’s hard to decide between a little more health and one more point into energy or a tad more health at the cost of a couple atmosphere protections… it gives a bit more depth to hunting and makes it feel less like just going out to gather oort, ya know?


Yeah but most builds are still going to be 99% the same for specific purposes. You’re going to automatically put points here and there because any build will be trash unless you give your char all the “toddler skills” agility, dexterity etc.


I think a few more points would be nice though. I’d like my hunter to be able to at least collect stuff on t6 if not as efficiently as my miner. I’d like my crafter to be able to go to t6 to visit friends’ builds without switching.

Every character really needs full agi and pow. And with the new light settings I feel like glow is pretty key. And I’ve still never even seen someone use double jump, much less used it myself.

Cleanse points are pretty punishing too. Maybe allow a full respec for free once per day? It would be nice to feel more free to try stuff.

I guess I just need to figure out skill pages…


I can imagine the population descreasing for some reasons.
Some of them was still called out here.

  • Progression/Reward Balance
  • Always the same monsters, even the Tier 7 Planets and their Meteors did not gave us variety in Group Fighting
    • More worse, the Huntingplatforms made a no brain Hunting out of this monotonous content
  • By the way monotonous content: Mining is the most monotonous thing, but also the most needed.
    • There is not even some variety of special finds, beside Lava and since a while Goo, Kindlings and Combustions.
  • The only real reward in this game are Coins and the only thing you can do to “feel good” is getting more Coins
    • Therefor Shops are the “All you need”, grind more for them
    • If you don’t have a Shop, you “playing the game wrong” (old quote about somone :wink: )
  • All about plots, the second real reward
    • Push up your production, use all your materials you got from monotonous mining and make Levels!!!
    • More Plots means more Area to reserve - or even cover a full good Gem Ressource Area
    • More Plots means more space to push up Prestige, more space to place monotonous block buildings with high prestige blocks.
    • If you are bored, connect to a network town that seems to be super duper rich and try to get their Prestige hitted, make a game out of it, because it is fun. Don’t care about, that this super duper rich network maybe is weekly short before shutting down.

Well yes, that was obvisiously not meant to take too serious.
But it shows the problem at all: Variety.

If you are someone who plays the game because of its countless possibilities for building, and because you like to gather, decorate, making things nice, you litterally don’t get rewarded at all.
Who just goes to your so nice created home, because it is nicely created? Especially if there is no shop.
Sure, some of us like to explore nice buildings, but i guess the amount of people is under 10%.
There is no cause for just visiting a nice town without shops. There is no rating system, no interactive environment, nothing that people can do with your Area.
There are people who build Amusement Parks, people who surely want to create more Stuff for the community, but they just can’t.
There is no possibility to reward other players for a special task, without being there and handtrade (or make a shopstand for 0c, but it is highly abusable).
There is no interaction permissions for the group of “everyone”.
There is no automation, not even trigger plates to be able to make nice Labyrinths.
And there is no possibility to create player created “Dungeons” for the fun of the Community.

We are a big real Sandbox, but there are missing so many Sandbox features.
It don’t have to be Redstone, but some small things like Trigger, tradable Keys, Spawner and Lootboxes for finishing a player made Dungeon would improve the game so much.

As long the Economy and getting Coins are the only real MMO feature in Boundless, the player base will shrink more.
Because if you started to understand the game, you don’t need to get Coins from a Shop, you can supply yourself with all things you need. You not even need an MMO for that.


For me it’s the mmo and rpg aspects that keep me. I think I’d lose interest without that, but I came in thinking boundless was more similar to a mix of WOW/final fantasy, minecraft, and something spacey like no man’s. Not sure a strictly minecraft boundless would hold my interest


This is why I never hunt anymore. I got so bored. I’d love to see some new mobs even if they aren’t all that different from existing ones, just for a little variety.

STOP HOLDING OUT ON US @james :wink:

@Kralith Check out “Treasure hunt” if you haven’t already, there’s a 2x2 portal at my tree on the middle level. Best user created labyrinth concept I’ve seen yet (within the bounds of what the game allows)


I’d like to see some sort of LFG repeatable missions as an alternative to hunts. Or build a fort and survive waves of monsters style mission. Dunno, just anything to make Boundless more of a “game”.


I’d love to see planets (with different rules) where you can do some sort of defense in waves


Oh i need to spare some time for it.
I always like to see such creations, lately i had just less time to spend my time for such nice.

I’ve found 28 of the treasure tokens so far (out of 83), its taken me a few hours so far!

To what, Have I already posted that? Probably glad for that one.

Was saying welcome back to unciviled he mentioned he’s back in-game :slightly_smiling_face:

if you don’t make children, population won’t grow

do you know, like?

make love, not war