Why is Boundless population so small?

I will agree with you they might. There are players with additional keys due to backer status and some that would just go out and buy another copy. At some point that is an issue for the developers. My only point was that there are other reasons players use alts. Only the developers can decide if they are exploits or not and if they want to make changes to address those.

Factorio <3

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So are you coming back…? I can help you rebuild and between the two of us we should be able to keep your beacon fueled… Lemme know if you need a “Return to Boundless” starter kit of some sort.

I myself recently returned from letting it all expire…

And I’m also discovering it’s OK to only play a couple hours here and there.

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There would always be issues w/ plots never despawning. A lot of people only play 1-4 weeks. So all of that junk they left behind should just chill there? There is fuel that last months+. You can also buy gleam club. and you would have to worry as long as its active. This is an online game, Minecraft isnt. The straight up linking of the 2, doesnt work. And NO ONE can tell me that they just cant log into the game once a month to refuel. This is the same argument that has been going for a year+ now.


No, I am not coming back. But thank you for the offer. I probably never will with how Beacons work. Oh well.

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I have to say, having to refuel a beacon is the poorest excuse to not wanting to play Boundless or even get annoyed at for that matter.

What? The least is 4 weeks going up to 8 (or is it 12) weeks. And you can refuel at any point between then.

(I have let a few builds disappear, but that’s my fault and I didn’t really care).

The opposite is having every single person build that has ever been clogging up prime areas and making the game look awful.


Personally I see no issue with the role play scenario. Some do like RPG and other things so we should not remove that. There is no reason we cannot have both.

I actually fully disagree with the ALT removal part of this post. Some of us actually use alts for their intended reasons. Maybe we do not want all our skills on a single player or feel the need to have something in one person. Maybe we want to have different roles and stuff. Maybe we want to be someone different in some cases or help one guild with one character and another guild with another character (I do this a lot). It would be a set back to force everyone to now have a single character and remove ALTs.

I don’t agree characters should be limited on their skill sets and if you want everything in one you should be able to but we should not remove ALTs.

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Pretty sure it was still four weeks when you posted this a year ago. Then again, perhaps they did change it… I really can’t say for sure. At any rate, I’m sorry you had a bad experience with the beacon system.

I’ll avoid going over the how’s and why’s of the system because I’m fairly certain you get it. I agree with you on some points and I can sympathize. However, the problem remains that until we have some sort of instanced or privately contained areas for players to build in… the refueling in persistent worlds just seems like a necessary evil.

Edit: retracted my previous offer and apologies since I’ve now actually finished my coffee and re-read it. :ok_hand:t2:

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I think that’s ok. Using alts to gain cash. To me that is a huge waste of time. Much easier to hunt and sell the oort. As for using alts for FF, well just link alts to one account. Oh wait they are! :joy:. (Inserted humor) I think they intend it to be like this otherwise they could just make it so the account get the footfall and not the character. That’s would be a easy fix.

the way i look at it. its purely subjective i have talked to people on the steam forum who class it has like paying the dev’s a “protection fee” while my self i see it like if i was to have a netflix sub but then go a year without even logging into the site at that point why im i paying them for something i don’t use(in the case of boundless) just so i don’t get soft deleted?

and for people with the limited funds flushing $5 every month down the toilet is something that is just not viable.


And that’s your opinion that you think that, which is great. I have talked to and seen a handful of people discussing the game and Beacon fuel being an issue as to why they don’t play it, which was the point of this discussion thread. Do you know how easy it is to miss one single month of logging into a game to do a simple quick refuel? That’s great it wouldn’t be a problem for you. But for others remembering and managing such a simple task can be an easy slip of the mind.


Then give us a way to bank our builds.

i fuel my base mates beacon

I don’t think its a matter of opinion, logging in for 15 seconds to refuel a beacon is objectively easy. Something which surely cannot be a determining factor to whether or not you want to play an entire game. But fair enough if that is the reason, each to their own.


You don’t like the beacon system. If beacons did not expire what do you suggest is the solution to builds that have been abandoned by players that quit? Even now it can be hard for an active player to find space to build on some planets.

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Like it or hate it, what could be done better with the beacon system?

Me, I just drool for a private world where I can build with unlimited plots (even though I couldn’t possibly find the time to build something with all that room).


I have to agree.

It is absolutely daft to spend hours, days or even months on a build and then complain about the seconds of upkeep required with even just basic beacon fuel. I get special cases, but Christ, if someone is that concerned with x-factors then break the bank and spring for gleam club!

I’ll liken it to complaining about rinsing a glass after you’ve had a few drinks in it: if an individual is truly inconvenienced with that then just break the bank and spring for some solo cups…



I know I am a day late here, but I have to add that this would be my biggest gripe with the game to date. I would love to just be able to grind a single character to be able to do everything, eventually. That eventually is because yes, you should have to go through a level grind to get there, but it needs to be possible. I also don’t see a problem letting people do it on another character if they want, keep the alts, remove the skill pages.

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Maybe not EVERYTHING, but I’d like to be able to play with some of the buffs I never have points left for, like double jump


Honest question, what would be the real difference? I could spend my time creating characters and doing the same thing, or I could just have my character that after a decent period of time can do it all with the same one.