Why is the game limiting the way i see the world!?

ok so basically this game looks like ■■■■, but can apparently look a lot better. I have been adjusting all of my game settings individually with restarts in between. and this is the best my game can look. (See Pic #1&2) but i notice that when I was changing an fx parameter that I can get a brief glimpse at what I believe the game should look like. (see Pics #3&4)

Pic # 1

Pic # 2

Pick # 3

Pic # 4

Here is another conundrum.

Reflections ON

Reflections OFF

Here is what my game looks like with settings turned up and good graphics card

Your framerate might drop to an unplayable level if the game tried to render like that all the time. I can see your “Target Minimum FPS” setting is at 30; try bumping that down to 20, that should improve the quality quite a bit. Up to you to decide if it’s still playable or not.

Edit: regarding the reflections, it’s again because of the FPS target. Without the extra work of rendering reflections the game can devote more resources to rendering distant objects without dropping below the threshold.

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My fps limiter I put the desired fps at unlimited and my minimum fps at 60. Runs smooth as butter

this was the issue after turning it to off things look alot better
Don’t mind the rain.

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Glad things worked out for you. Cheers

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You should turn off Target Minimum FPS, it really helps keep quality on distant objects and is really a game changer.

EDIT: My bad, looks like you ended up doing that. i scanned through the thread too quickly.

Huh? Weird for me it is the complete opposite. I put my min on 60 and max unlimited

What view distance are you using? It might not be too noticable with other settings lower as well.

As far as I understand it it dynamically scales doen graphics settings to ensure the minimum FPS. The higher you set the minimum fps the more it will impact your settings to keep the higher framerate.

Maximum fps shouldn’t have much of an effect on other settings though.

I’m using epic view distance and high texture

Sorry for kinda highjacking the thread