Wildstock Transportation Tunnel

If you build a slide tunnel and convince a strong wildstock to follow you in, it will kindly push you to the end of the tunnel. Both you and the strong wildstock will fit in a 1x2 hole. Larger wildstock will not fit.


At first I wanted to build an “Oortian Rifle.” I wanted to stand at one end of a tunnel and be knocked through the tunnel by a powerful wildstock. I built a 100m long tunnel on a T6 world expecting the ride of my life. I have yet to summon an elite wildstock there, but a mighty wildstock only knocked me 30m to my disappointment.

I have some questions.

  • Is there something with low friction AND no speed damage (like trampoline?)
  • What is the lowest friction material?
  • Sometimes when I was hit by the wildstock I was launched toward (rather than away from) the wildstock. What gives?

Yo! I tested this also on a T2 planet, I did an ice track so I’d get pushed the furthest, I lined the walls with sponge as that is the block in which you take least impact damage from. I found trampolines to be inconsistent and very rarely the Wildstock would charge through you :confused:

  • Low friction would simply be Ice and also you take slightly less impact damage. Trampoline is a good shout but sometimes it bugs out and you will hit it at an angle and bounce off course (I’m guessing this is due to hitting a corner hitbox of a trampoline that’s besides/beneath?)

  • Lowest friction is Ice/Slide. I haven’t found any difference between them tbh other than Lava not destroying Slide

  • Probably lag. I guess it calculates what direction to push you, on collision. And if you lag through the wildstock a but, you’d be on the other side it when I think decides the direction? Who knows lol


Thanks for sharing your full tests of the transportation tunnel (I have to admit I’m still stuck on the “Oortian Rifle” :P) and your answers to my questions!

Currently I’m playing with a tunnel with the following cross section:


S = Slide, T = trampoline, A = air.

It sounds like your cross section was different. Anything you can share about it (and design motivations/reasons) would help me as a novice tunnel builder :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re going down a long enough slide and an angry wildstock follows you, will it catch you and make you go faster?

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Or if the wildstock gives you a starting boost down the tunnel!

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My cross section was:
S = Sponge, A = Air, I = Ice

I was testing some stuff with ice when I angered a Wildstock and it hit me and i went zooming lol, so thought about whether or not I could make this some sort of transportation, but I concluded it not worth the effort of herding a Wildstock and also kinda buggy :confused:

@DutchOfSorissi If you mean down a sloped slide then it wouldn’t be able to catch up with you