Will we lose unused plots when update happens?

I’ve had a few players tell me to use up all my plots because when the update hits, i will lose any un-used plots. Can i get clarification on this?

No you will not lose them, coins, or anything else. The only thing you’ll need to relearn is your recipes.

no you don’t… its just gets locked away. You go into plot debt until you earn it back again. So, in a sense you do loose your plots but you don’t actually do.

Do you have a source for that info? I must have missed that.

I’ve been told by a few other players that once the patch goes live, you go into plot debt. Meaning you will start earning plots, but because you already have the debt so you have to pay it all back before the plots you earn go into the positive territory again. @Pseudonym84 was the one who explained it to me (not in those exact words). I did not read it from the patch notes.

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It’s answered here


Thanks for the clarification guys. I planted all my plots anyway just to be safe.


Sorry for the misunderstanding @knightsb. That was speculation on my part. Though @james has since cleared everything up.

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is it available for some like me to get a complete wipe? im not attached to any settlement nor involved with any other players currently. i would like to see a fresh start

you’d have to talk to @james about that. as far as i know, in live version, there is no way to wipe your account clean. no resetting of characters.

concievably you could uninstall boundless, make a new boundless account/ ga.me account, and re-install and use that for a wipe. i do not know if that would work or not

I don’t think this is currently an available option … at least not yet! The Character Creation mechanic is currently being worked on though, which will bring with it the ability to have multiple characters per account. It’s not yet available, but it is in the pipeline.

Maybe just continue playing as-is for a while longer until the character creation stuff is introduced?

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This is not supported until we add support for multiple characters.

When Testing is released to Live your character progression will be largely reset (you’ll keep any earned coin and plots - before another rumour starts!) If you don’t like your builds just unbeacon them and recover your plots. The world regen will tidy everything away.


So we keep our progression and lose all our plots?

I’ll spread the word.


*starts making a a voodoo doll of @Pseudonym84 and sticking pins in it *:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


makes voodoo doll of self

Gives back rub


I’m just quoting the boss;


Then he goes on…


I shudder at the thought of whats going to happen when someone new to the game sees this post.


I don’t know how I missed that!!! :flushed:

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Walking through Therka last night pretty sure i saw a tumbleweed roll by. Felt like i was visiting chernobyl. :grin:

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