
This is me. I currently have 16 mixers in my concrete shop and also using another 16 in my base/workshop that I just reclaimed and it didn’t keep up so I am expanding my mixer setup at the concrete shop to some number of mixers… not sure how many yet.

While your setup may be smaller than I need it looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Always love very detailed builds like that. I wish I could do more detailed builds … sigh.

Love white… I do most of my builds with a white base color and then accents of other colors.


That is actually luminous taupe marble. There is weary mustard and luminous taupe all over that build, accented with dark mustard. I used white gleam to light up the room so it probably is washing it out a little.


Now that you mention it and Im not looking at it on my phone… I can see taupe.

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Let’s see this triggers how many industrial factory owners :rofl:

(I use few machines too btw)


I’ve made work areas in the past for high throughput activities. Serpensarindustries was 100+ refiners and nothing else but some compactors to support the spark. I had a rock room on Raxxa and an area of nothing but low-coil extractors constantly grinding out essences.

For my largest/main workshop I considered general workflows. At a glance it was just some longer rows but they were split across the floor to support general common flows like furnace -> mixer -> refiner/workbench or similar.

For something you do massively, a dedicated area is often best. Then for me a large generalized work area to support random activities. “e -> shift/click -> e -> repair” is reflexive for me now moving down a row so my latest (probably temporary) workspace is just 6 very long rows :rofl:


I tried a few layouts.

One was where I organized materials a few steps from the machine I used them for a lot. I found this layout frustrating because the odd times I needed something for a craft on a machine where it was less commonly needed, I had a hard time finding it.

Then I tried a huge storage area organized in the sequence and groupings/categories of the Knowledge tab. I found that I didn’t use the Knowledge tab to find stuff as often as I thought I did so that layout wasn’t particularly helpful. However, once I memorized where common stuff was, I liked this layout because I always knew where stuff was for the most part. The big storage area though, despite being close to my machines, did require a lot of running.

In my latest iteration that I’m building now, I’m sticking with the storage area just behind my machines, but I’ve condensed it a bit and organized it by what I use the most often instead of by the Knowledge tab. Inputs right next to machines and outputs a little further away. It should be a little less running.

But to be fair, I only have 2 of most types of machines.


This isn’t a workshop…it’s a work of art :grin:


Mine is fairly straightforward- I have 4 of each machine since I try to craft as much as I can. Simple setup - you’re welcome to come look - TNT hub > Harbingers of Death > Pix’s Workshop > first Mario pipe on the right.


thank you. it’s a simple place to hang some tools and craft some bricks


So, I started with…

And my storage was a floor above…

Since yesterday I worked this out…

28 Mixers, 8 compactors (for clay), 64 furnaces, 120 crafting tables, storage and room for more. I think this will work SO much better.

I did split up the spark gens…so I have 3 of those…but I really didn’t want to math. LOL.


Everything on the same floor will be way better for you. I hope it saves a lot of your time.

A few separate spark gens is not a major problem if at all.
I have it done like that in my main base, as I was pushing for a certain design and having one block of spark generators wasn’t an option for my build idea. Not everything must be super duper efficient to work fine for you. :smiley:


Well, I am actually out farming ash for the first time since the move. So, must be my brain is saying “finally something I can work with” lol.


you have seen mine, 3 floors, 27 fully coiled machines on each side

256 crafting tables on each floor
300 titanium furnaces on each floor
and tons of storage
and just a portal to each floor

and a area WIP (the tower)


Your storage gives me anxiety. LOL. I don’t know how you find ANYTHING. :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol i dont even use much of the storage, the problem is…
if i need something i take it out of the reclaim , place it somewhere and open a new reclaim
i really should move it all back into the reclaims xD i dont use normal storages really i love the use of reclaim storage

you had to see my storage on xa frant back then…

250 machines of each type with underground storage, u literally needed portals to move across the area


Being a functional builder, I have come to realize that there is such a thing as too many machines. As I make a ton of concrete and I really need it fast I plan to expand my mixers from 20 to 52 and that may be too many. I have used all 20 at one time MANY times now though, so I am pretty sure I will make use of all 52.

I can’t imagine using all 1500 (250 x 6) at any one time and if you did … that seems like a full-time job just crafting with 1500 machines.

First of the original 16 concrete mixers

The first additional section here:

Adding the 2nd section mirroring the above as I type this.

I can’t imagine I’ll need more than 52, but we’ll see.

Edit: Outside picture of first addition.



after certain threshold you spend too much time moving between them machines to place more queues and then too much time to collect all ready items, so you may well have less machines with less total queues and add new masses up to 30 every time you are back in game

dunno where the threshold is though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT: depending on crafting time of items you are queuing, you might have the first machines done with the first mass before you get to the last machine to queue all you want

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Yea it’s this exactly. I think it mostly depends on the amount you NEED versus the amount you can produce. Some of the builds I see with 100s of one machine have to either be a prestige grab or bragging rights. :man_shrugging:

For some insight, I occasionally get bulk orders for concrete and while I do have close to 2 million in concrete there are really only select colors that sell well. So as far as what I NEED… versus what I can produce I can pretty much keep up with the demand with 20 machines, the only issue there is when I am already processing a batch of concrete and then have a bulk order.

Also given that the population is pretty low (hopefully not for much longer) I don’t see the need for 100s of any one type of machine, but maybe if it was something an entire guild has access to or something then maybe.

That is the main reason I don’t plan to go past the 52 machines in my current expansion. I may however need more, but I doubt it.


yeah so maybe have a few machines extra that you don’t use in your regular mass production, and only use them when you get a specific order from someone
so, a bunch of machines that stand unused in order to have crafting space for unexpected situations


Some days I spend entirely crafting. I haven’t pushed past 200 machines in a single location but what you’re describing is actually one of my more pleasant activities - managing the workshop.

It’s not too often any more but yesterday was actually such a day. Probably 80+ percent of my playtime was spent moving things between machines, sorting inputs and outputs, and determining what Items I wanted to move into the next stage of crafting to balance my stocks (hoard?) :rofl:

The rest of the time is rushing out for odds and ends to complete batches, and sometimes hitting a gleam ball or some other farm for a session while I wait for enough machines to clear up for the next thing.

This morning I cleaned out the rest of the longer queues I set up for overnight, started the next round on some metals. I put them in 10 machines so they would finish in <90 minutes, and went to farm some gleam and watch some Fringe.

Hmmm I guess I’d ramble into too much detail but the point is, this is actually a part of the game for some people. “Being a crafter” one of my main roles in any RPG. I’m not a fan of request baskets and what they do this this economy so the flip side of that coin, “Being a shop keeper” is a bit stunted. It just means I hoard more.

For me, when I finally built my “factory” this was my original workshop. 'Tis good to have a backup for sure.

Between 4 notable locations I would say that I’ve had, on rare occasion, over 300 machines running simultaneously. Though to be fair that would have to include about 112 machines processing gleam into it’s various forms.

Including someone else running the rock shop for me and counting those tables in, possibly over 400.

That factory was one of my 2 highest prestige builds ever. Most of the rest of it was build out of refined lustrous and foliage :rofl: