
This was pretty much my point. Do you actually sell/need 5 million gleam? I question if I do, I question if I needed 4k plots worth of color storage. I also hoard a lot … been trying to get out of that thought process though.


Sometimes :blush:

It’s not about need though, it’s just about doing the thing. Whatever the thing is for you. Right now I’m making sure I can fill a shop stand with hard leather. I mean, that’s probably enough hard leather to serve the entire game population for the next year. But I have no plans for it. I’m just making it.

Sometimes I take stock and really, I have surprisingly little of value in this game. I’ve never had over 17m coins, and that was only because I was “racing” someone for coins. I usually have less than 2 mil because I spend them on … stuff to run my machines. Or tools to grind things to craft.

It’s good though, in the end none of this is needed at all. If you’re enjoying the time you spend at it, that’s the point. Whether it’s prestige or art or just filling some empty time with a feeling of virtual productivity. it’s all good.

BTW I have 2 million gleam stacked if someone is looking :man_shrugging:

Does it make you happy? If so, it’s no worse than any other ephemeral hobby. I used to read. I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours consuming fiction. I don’t think there’s really any more or less value in it. But it’s amazing the number of people that would encourage that and frown on “playing video games”.

To each their own I guess. We have quite a few “epic” builders in game now. The number of hours on display in that alone is incredible. By the same token, there’s no more “real” value in building an amazing workshop vs. an amazing storage facility. Despite what any of us may tell ourselves about art vs functionality - or whatever it takes.

Sometimes it’s both and the art of building something like a workshop pushes it past the point of any real functionality. In the end though, it’s about the pleasure it brings for the builder.

Mayumichi built some amazing factories in the earlier times - prepped for workflows and automation. Exploring those builds was an early reminder for me about what someone who is driven can do vs. someone like myself who just sort of randomly mucks around.

IDK more rambling but this is conversation I find interesting. Nothing is “important” here - do what makes you happy today.

EDIT: Ugh it’s put me low on actual leather TBH which there’s a lot more use for :rofl:



I always envisioned you as a leather type of guy.


well sometimes i understand the need for 100s of refineries XD


When you want volume, dedicated production lines for items make a lot of sense. The downside is the amount of space it can take, and the investment in resources and time to set it all up :sweat_smile: This is my forge factory for example, green shelves are inputs filled from mass storage, machines output to blue(ish) shelves



I didn’t want to make an actual ping since I’m not sure how active you are right now, but I always remember standing in your factory “control room” being amazed at what you had built earlier on.

Hopefully at some point we still see some sort of automation system to bring these things to life.


Ping away, at the very least I’m lurking the forums. Lately the forges have been warming up too… ^^

I hope so, until then it’s all manual operation :smiley: Still very useful, no way I’d be able to forge at volume without this setup.


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Not super volume like some of your amazing setups but enough for the 3 of us Slubs. Main Workshop is in the slub warehouse and below are our overnight machines under the guild hall that are almost always doing something. New sky factory above our island coming soon though!