I made a quick intro video to get folks started/give people something that allows them to use the basic tools to play around. I’m a massive introvert so this was pretty terrifying but if people find this useful I can make a few others. I’d intended this to be <5 minutes but this one was nearly 10. In the future they’ll be <5 minutes to make them bite sized. I hate watching super long videos to find a quick answer to something.
I don’t have all of the answers and I’m not some World Builder guru. I’ve just started playing with it in preparation for rental worlds and I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far. This video and any future ones aren’t going to have the full technical details and I’m not going in depth on every topic. Merely enough details for people to start to make some cool creations and for them to explore the deeper stuff on their own (or wait for Oortnonnymous’s videos ). Thanks all