World Builder v2 Bugs & Suggestions

Aha - that completely demystifies that behavior; thanks!

Consider putting world configs under ~/Documents/Boundless/World Builder or similar to make 'em more accessible (with ~/Library being hidden by default)

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Couple more requests:

  • The noise previewer seems to render with the origin in the bottom left; I think it would generally be more useful if it rendered with the origin in the center
  • It’d be nice to be able to set negative offsets when previewing noise

Both of these would be extremely valuable for working on Kovah v2 (setting up the clearing for the capitol area for it, etc)


I don’t know what I did, but I was able to launch world builder fine, then it crashed and now every time I try to launch it, it opens a command prompt window that I can’t type in. I have also gotten messages saying I have missing exe files.

You should try reinstalling the game.

There are no such thing as negative coordinates anymore (nor in the game itself come next release), nor will the capital be (0,0) for the time being until wrapping worlds are complete where it will be moved back to (0,0) again for better testing.

Oh! :thumbsup: Where’s the capital now? Midpoint of the world?

Maybe. But try to forget about absolute coordinate Capitals, in the future the beacon with the most prestige will have Capital status. It’s something for players to achieve not the WB to define.


Challenge accepted! I now see that it will be possible to own and operate many capitals at a time, provided that you have the plots and talents required to do so. .#worlddomination


Surely you mean #universedomination :wink:

I don’t want the capitals of every world, just the handful of most lucrative ones. A sort of Galactic Republic.

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You should probably build a giant floating laser to defend your republic, once you amass enough titan cores


You should probably build it inside a planet though, it’ll be safer that way… no wait…


Well, so long as the exhaust port is a straight shot to the power core, nothing can possibly go wrong!

Jokes aside, and more on the topic of the world builder… a starkiller base would be an amazing world to build :wink:


Yeah that would be cool. Plus if airships are still going to make it into the game, you can always build one to look like an X-Wing :wink:


@james, I did this and I was able to launch the world builder once more, but I (accidentally) recreated the glitch that crashed world builder by clicking the connection point of a node, deleting the node (with the connection line active), creating a new node, and attaching the old nodes connection line to a node connection point. After the crash occurred, I verified the game cache. The crash somehow deleted or corrupted a file, but even after this and reinstalling the game, I only get the command prompt screen to pop up.

I’m not the brightest at times, but how do I save my worlds? I’m on a Mac and I get the must save in correct directory pop up? Any ideas?

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It’s pretty awkward at the moment on OS X :frowning: The world builder is probably asking you to save your files in a directory like /Users/kkbell/Library/Application Support/something/something/..., right?

While you have the file saving dialog open, if you type /, it will pop up a manual text entry where you can specify the path. If you fill in the path that world builder asks you for, it should let you save. And from then on, it’ll remember the directory


Big help! You just made my week! Thank you very much!

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bug, I think:

Specifying minY and maxY on substrate layer behave erratically when your heightmap is constrained. It appears as if minY/maxY are evaluated before the terrain is scaled to the heightmap’s own minY/maxY. Or something like that.

sorry about the massive images. Discourse is ignoring my size overrides

For example, here’s a slice of terrain with no minY:0, maxY:255. The heightmap is restricted to 80-100, and the substrate reaches a depth of 20 blocks:

Now here it is with minY:60, maxY:255: (I would expect full depth on the substrate here!)

minY:60, maxY:120: (wat)

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