World Regen Bombs Shouldn't Aggro Creatures

I voted no because you can either go to a farm or build one yourself, that way you can gather all you want without worrying about getting attacked.

Bob’s Farms :wink:


Again this goes to my people being lazy part.

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Grab a couple points of impulse armor and it won’t be an issue…

I Think it’s Funny


It should aggro them. You are disturbing them while eating grass.

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Yea I’d be pretty disturbed and pissed of someone threw a bomb near me

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If you threw a bomb near me while I was eating ma :cookie: and Dropped Ma :cookie: I would be a :angry: :cookie: Grrrrr


I’m not sure whether to vote “Yes, world regen bombs shouldn’t aggro creatures” or “No, world regen bombs shouldn’t aggro creatures” :joy:

Personally, I’ve aggro’d a few creatures when regen farming soil as well. I just take it as being part of risk vs reward.


I voted yes it should? Lol yes!

I like that Regen Bombs aggro mobs, easier than shooting a mob with a Slingbow to get its attention :ok_hand:

Also, it adds some minor benefits to building a dedicated area to regen farm something. Also giving exo regen farming a bit more risk vs reward. If you wanna afk farm with a script, you better hope you don’t die :wink:


weird, cause I voted no, it should!

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Well ■■■■, there might be some miscommunication. xD <- Weird that word is censored.

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What they really need to do is stop health bombs from making them agro. I’m just tryna heal my pet!

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Sentinel 4 legs

@bucfanpaka @DKPuncherello


apparently what’s a cure for one is a poison for others :nerd_face: :rofl:

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