Okay, I’m working on a thing, and I’ll need to pick the lighting. I’m curious what everyone’s least favorite gleam colors are. What lighting makes you uncomfortable, squicked out, grossed out, creeped out, angry that it exists?
I might do a survey from the suggestions, mostly out of curiosity.
I like natural lighting, or lighting that at least makes sense. So if I’m in a old cabin or a tree hoise, and there’s some bright Azure Gleam, it totally ruins the build for me
Edit: and White Gleam, agree 100% with Apt on that one
I personally dislike all gleam colors that are too vibrant, too colorful, because they overpower the colors you picked for your blocks. I use mostly colors with “Cool”, “Cold” or “Weary” prefixes.
Oh I could never do that to poor, innocent pizzas
I like silk yellow- it’s about pairing the right color materials with it- but I also like the green color created when you mix crisp (or was it luminous?) tan gleam with ashen grey marble…
That color would be nauseating to most, I’d bet. It’s a sickly color @Rydralain
Ah, Silk Yellow… funny how the one main world with Gleam Lake got that color! I don’t like Silk Yellow, but it seems to like me… RNG seems to roll it more than my share when I set up sovereigns. I see it and am always like RNG is trolling me again!
I’ve only used white in my workshop to specifically look like fluorescent lighting, so I’ll agree with that!
Of course silk yellow generally grosses me out. Since I use it for marble I have it in a chest with a storage block on top and even the display annoys me
You know, I use white for color storage so it’s easier to tell the actual color, but nothing else. I’ll have to try out Silk Yellow for this project. See if it works, since this seems pretty universal!