Would people be interested in a boundless fan fiction contest?

I enjoy seeing periodic lore posts. It would be cool to see some fan fiction about the lives of various great oortians of history.

What happened to the mysterious oortians? Clearly their civilization died off a long time ago, as there are no ruins to be found, only bits of technology fused into rock. This makes me think they must have lived below ground millions of years ago. They probably lived above ground, in the sky and in space too, but any leftovers from such construction have been lost to the sands of time.

How long has the current Citizen civilization been around? I suppose the lore we have is that one day, suddenly Citizens awoke in early access with nothing but the diaper on their butts (year 4 BCE, before citizen era), or a diaper and a Japanese style chest binder. They built a civilization from the ruins of the previous Oortian civilization’s technology using million year old widgets to make tools. However, either an ancient technology wiped all their memories and transported them to new planets a year ago (call it year 0 of the Citizen Era; we are now in year 1 of the citizen era, 1CE), or else it was all a dream, somehow preparing them for their current lives as citizens.

Are the meteors a leftover artifact of the Oortian civilization? Perhaps their technology was so great that they were able to build autonomous interstellar asteroid harvesting craft that steer asteroids down to the planetary surfaces bringing with them precious oort, a compound not found on planets that is needed to fuel portal technology.

What were the lives of the ancient oortians like? Surely with their advanced technology, some lives below ground, some lived on the surface, some in floating sky cities and some in spacecraft and space stations. There must have been wars, interstellar dynasties, kings and queens and majestic castles. Who wants to tell their stories?

It could be fun if people try to work their stories together so that the lore connects and we have royal families and Oortian civilizations spanning multiple writers. Perhaps the Oortian civilization ended an estimated 1 million years BCE. Maybe we could even edit it into a free kindle book.