Would you rent a planet if you couldn't

You say it’s for ‘obvious reasons’, but if the colour of the block is the only thing that’s different, then people would essentially be paying RL money for a cosmetic. Given how most people say they’re fine with cosmetic only micro-transactions, then it’ll either be fine OR they’re a bunch of hypocrites and they’re actually only fine with micro-transactions when it suits them.


In my experience from extensive polling on the forums (seriously what does a guy have to do to earn a forum title around here @Leahlemoncakes), for any question you ask, 40-60% of people will be opposed to it.

Block colors I would argue are not cosmetic. But even when I did polls about RMT cosmetics, there was significant opposition.


Ain’t that the truth. We very much take a “community divided” approach to polling.

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That’s ok for some, but not for all.

Now, imagine that a world renter is denied a colour choice they want, because it’s not in the current perma-worlds… sometime later… more players join the game, new perma-worlds are created… your desired colour now appears on one of them…

I know I wouldn’t be overly happy about it.


I probably wouldn’t if i couldn’t, because it wouldnt be that i could. But i should if i could, and i would, if it could be made of wooden pudding.


But… how? A coloured variant that you have to pay for of something else that you can easily access is pretty much the definition of a cosmetic in terms of gaming.

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Here’s one way to prevent economic concerns:

When warping to a rental planet, bring whatever you want.
When warping out of a rental planet, your inventory is emptied.
Feel free to have alts that are based on your rental planet and never leave.

Edit: Beacon reclaim cloud storage is also rental-planet separated.

Because of sprays and exo shops, mostly. It would unbalance the economy if only a select few could access certain colors. IMO.

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A lot of the p2w arguement would be old news for the color scheme if the game ever gets a ton of players. Scarcity for colors mainly comes from a lack of planets. It was the worse part of the EA universe.


I’m starting to wonder if every naturally generated block should just be sprayable now (including gleam)… it might cut out some of the pay-to-win gripes that people would have with colour scarcity.


If only these can be applied to a wider variety of blocks.


Doesn’t this imply that the economy has ever been balanced to begin with? :thinking::joy:



Haha made me laugh IRL w that one

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Regardless of the how the rental planets are initially released, I will be in a wait and see mode. There’s always bugs and changes and I’d prefer not to pay for a science project.

As for when I’m ready to rent, I will only pay for something that I’m satisfied that I have the ability to control quite a few planet features. Even if these were pay per additional feature I would be interested in that. But if I pay and someone else designs and hands me a surprise… not sure my wallet will open for that.


well, looks like it’s either limited palette /no choice at all, or all colors become more or less equal in value.
both will make people unhappy :smiley:
possible solution could be to divide the palette into ‘common’ and ‘special’ :all existing and future live or rental planets will have ‘common’ colors, while ‘special’ will be reserved for exos and gleambow


Says the guy who bought boundless

drum riff


Yes for color palette: I think it should be random, to avoid buyers advantage on the market (gleambow colors of blocks).
No - the whole idea behind the rented and private worlds is that of control in this area.
No - obviously, it doesn’t make much sense to give people worlds they don’t want to.

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Source? (10 characters)

Perhaps I should say a second science project?? :joy:


If a planet could be wooden pudding, it should, cause wooden pudding is good. Wooden pudding shouldnt be a couldnt, and in my mind it never would. It would be good to wood the pud, and we should if we could.