I’m really looking for how people feel about the selling points for rented planets in the public universe. If we pick colors, should the planet be able to be whitelist access or just whitelisting for plotting? What do you all think?
Haha weird thread because it’s all speclation, but if I don’t have full creative control then it wouldn’t be worth it. Atmospheric effects and gleam towers have been too detrimental to building development in the past to have to settle
I assume you get to pick the colors otherwise what’s the point?
I also assume if you want colors not in the current universe, your planet has to be accessible to everyone.
I also assume some gleam colors and other blocks’ colors are off limits, based on past experience with exos and James’ opinions on scarcity. Personally I think any color should be allowed, but I respect his choice (whatever it turns out to be) either way
I think whitelisting access is too far even though I’d love to have it. At that point there’d be no point in allowing them to be part of the public universe.
I am curious to see how they mark rental planets as rentals. Otherwise I think there’ll be frustration from new players if they warp to a rental world and can’t plot on it.
I’m also curious to see how they handle warp distances and whatnot with rental planets. If someone wants to have multiple planets will there be an option to keep them all close together?
Edit: I think with rentals instead of trying to cram the skies of current worlds with them, adding something like @anon34275467’ teleporter to access the different rental worlds would be a neat idea.
With the way the current world builder is, they may not be able to release rented planets with full customization at the beginning. Though their planet generator may have that capability.
I would only consider renting a planet if I could MAKE that planet.
definitely pick the color scheme, ideally have control over biomes, coastline, tier, and prefabs (trees / rocks)
(not resources, so it remains compatible with the rest of the universe)
not sure how the plots will work, but my ideal situation would be unlimited plots (or a very generous discount) for me, for everyone else it behaves like an exo unless given plot perms from me ( that I can revoke if they displease me )
if unlimited plots on private planet were a thing, maybe some sort of cubit reset token for ppl who bought plots with $ so they could exchange now useless plots for planet subscription
I’d do a color palette of all greys blacks and whites. Not because I’m depressed or anything, but because I want those mats, and it would really make the builds stand out! Like in one of those obnoxious sequences in movies where everything is black and white except the main character.
From fleeting conversations I have had, there are 2 choices that are undeniably confirmed currently…
Region and Tier.
Whitelisting players will also be available. What this will mean is that, anyone whitelisted will be able to see your world in the sky and warp/portal to it. Everyone not whitelisted won’t be able to see it in the sky, nor will they be able to follow you through a portal/warp to reach it.
If for any reason you remove someone from your whitelist, their plots will automatically be reclaimed.
The original thinking was to just allow players to just choose region and tier… and the world would be generated, I assume, by whatever process handles normal planet generation - However, AFAIK this is all still TBD and is subject to change.
Personally, I would like also to be able to control what colours my world is, what biomes it has, the liquid type, atmosphere colour, style of landscape and at least some choice in type of weather (I’d hate to have a constant rain planet like Beckon!!).
If I don’t have that sort of control, I don’t see any point paying IRL money for it.
If this is actually how it works, I assume they won’t allow any new colors whatsoever, for obvious reasons… right? Otherwise there will be pitchforks and people charging 10,000c per day entry fees to their planets with desirable colors.
Personally, if I couldn’t control the colour scheme or tier of the planet, I definitely wouldn’t pay for it. If I didn’t have plotting control on my planet I probably still wouldn’t, but it’s less of a deal breaker for me if the rest of the package is great.
Personally I’m hoping that when we get our hands on it, we get to pick biomes from a library to add to our world. If Wonderstuck were going to do that and are smart, they’d put out feelers before hand asking for worldbuilder-created biomes and props to add the library like they did a long time ago… (although I’m not sure how much came of it). The fact that they haven’t means it’s either some way off still, or that level of detail just isn’t on the cards right now
Selecting a tier and atmosphere should be enough to determine resources (if they are to be part of the main universe).
maybe we could only choose from perma colors and some other pre-approved colors ? (I’d be ok with that as most of the colors I want are already used, just not in 1 place)