Would You Rent a Sovereign If - POLL

Do either of you happen to own any sovereigns by chance?

I ask because you are limited on what you can do on your planet seems a little counter intuitive.

I personally don’t care as I just grind plots, but people can’t even build on their entire planet because they don’t have enough plots to do so. A new player can’t rent a sovereign and build on it, you technically can’t do anything on a sovereign planet other than mine/gather and plot a small chunk unless you’ve been playing for years. Again, sounds counter intuitive.

I have 7-8k plots and its barely scratches the surface of the smallest sovereign.

EDIT: The main point of the poll was to see if more people would rent a sovereign and actually keep it and in turn that give a more stable income for Monumental and hopefully more stability. It seems like a pretty lackluster approach currently and not very enticing. I can ban people and change the colors…big whoop. I always have a bit of buyer’s remorse on sovereigns at times even when I can generate a good number of coins from it. I can do that without renting a sovereign.

Maybe you should include a poll as to would they rent one if they were given say a certain number of plots. A certain number for each size of Sov you rented.

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This same discussion occured before sovs released and it was a pretty heated debate if I recall.


Well hopefully it can remain civil. I know it brings up the whole P2W mechanic etc. etc. Just had more than a couple of people mention that to them sovereigns were not worth paying monthly for.
My comment is usually, “well don’t buy one”, but I try to see both sides in most situations.

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I have owned two.

Counter-intuitive in what way?

Plots are for sale, or you can just AFK grind the cubits right?

Reclaim also becomes a nice, sortable, splittable, add/remove type of infinite storage. Trust me once you have sorted your ~10 mil items into named reclaims and adjusted to being able to access them at any time, you want to keep a sov around.

Still, fully as advertised. If you want to plot a spot in the public universe, you need to get the plots.

Aye, that it was. It was also feeling like less of an issue as privately hosted planets were still on the radar. With indications that many of the pending changes may be scrapped, the debate could probably get a little more heated.

Invest in increasing the value and desirability was my main point to the poll.

Too soon! But yes, but then you are back to paying for the sovereign and again buying something else which doesn’t add any more value to the sovereign.

Buy a planet but have limited building on that planet.

You can do this on sovs or homeworlds, but the reclaim system while being a good way to sort things, I doubt it was created to sort things so sounds like a missed opportunity there. I probably totally missed the point here…sorry.

I have inherited A LOT of players items over the 2 years I’ve been playing and while I really want to reclaim my color storage just to see how many blocks I truly have as I know my color storage structure alone is a few million blocks.

You absolutely cannot do the things you can do on a sov (with reclaim) on a homeworld.

You can open a reclaim, put stuff in it, and close it again. Open another one and take some stuff out, and close it again. Go back to the first one and put the stuff you took out of the second one in it. Close that again and get what you actually wanted out of a different one. Then close it and go have your fun.

You burn a couple of beacon controllers but they’re nothing, it’s like needing a key to open and close a cupboard.

And I wonder why I can’t get motivated to build mega-storage :thinking:

$10/month for the privilege though.

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Why am I just finding this out… yet another missed opportunity.

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Probably because it feels a little exploit-y and P2W. Not sure. At least @HOST and I have posted about it in the past, though.

Actually let me be really clear here.

  • The owner of a sovereign can force reclaim any beacon on the planet, at any time.
  • This includes their own beacons.
  • This mechanic exists so that you don’t effectively steal someone’s stuff if you kick them off your planet.

This means that you can

  • Place a beacon controller
  • Open a reclaim
  • Remove things from reclaim and/or put stuff in the beacon.
  • Optional name it something useful
  • Force reclaim on it

The process enables all the things I just listed. I guess it’s not an exploit because i was told today here on the forum that using existing features can’t be an exploit if it’s not a bug.


There needs to be a list of all the benefits and as mentioned the drawbacks of renting a sovereign.

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I have 2 sovereigns atm, one of them I’ve had for a very long time and I do not want to let go of. At one point I had 5 sovereigns that I kept for months.

I bought my sovereign fully aware of the limitations. I loved the trying to get all I wanted from one type of planet (getting the biggest gleam spot, getting the best mining spot, etc). And then going to explore to see what my choices of biomes gave as a result.

Plots haven’t been an issue for me for a very long time (think i’ve recently reached level 2900). If you do all your crafting yourself and gathering all the resources, you end up making enough xp to support most of the building you can do, I think? It did for me, anyway. If not, you’re welcome to visit my gleam farm on Vandi. :slight_smile: It’s a T6 but there are hammers for sale that, with a strength brew and a teaching pie, will let you one shot the gleam and make a ton of xp before needing to regen :slight_smile: It is open to everyone and i can make doors on the outside walls if someone wants to put a beacon there either to reclaim or to process the gleam into refined gleam without having to leave the planet


My reasons for not getting a sovereign have nothing to do with plots. Its mainly because currently I have no need for one. If the game gets busier, and things get nasty in my corner of the universe maybe then. The biggest reason is the locked colors. Just unlock them already. I feel everyone being able to get all the specific colors they want would be a bigger driver of the economy rather than high prices due to rarity.


i dont rent sov from simple reason - i dont have money for fuelling it every month, if you rent a SOV fuelling it every month to keep it it just LIKE SUBSCRIPTION GAME - pay every month to play

i still think all players that bought game should get their 1 sov for a lifetime, no color changing - no fueling, but lifetime ownership, want color changing - youre free to rent another sov but sov that comes with random chosen colors is yours till the end of universe

GLEAMCLUB - i like changing my look from time to time, i like color signs, im paying when i like, its not must have but i like it and ill gladly pay :smiley:

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I’m bit of an outlier case for this one as have more than enough plots, but it might have factored in if that wasn’t the case.
If the game did allow me unlimited plots on a sovereign then that would enable me to keep taking up huge amounts of land on public worlds.
A big advantage for sovereigns plotting, for me, is being able to turn off the compact mechanic (don’t have to build a huge square but can just use little roads from build to build).


Add “disable compactness” on there.

Thanks Discourse :smirk:

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As with a few things in my opinion even Sovereign worlds weren’t fully thought trough.
I understand the having to use plots as that was basically a decision to clean up the perm worlds with all the plot spam.

But even though as owner you are the “boss” and can decide what a visitor can and can’t do. Also decide on colors (once a month :expressionless:) and boot beacons all that jazzz…

But personally for the price it costs the limitation on how many people can visit (depending on size) at a time there is no additional benefit of being a sov owner.
I am not saying free plot.
Just a benefit to plotting on your own world.
Like on any other world 1-1 ratio as it currently is and on my own sovereign world it’s 1-4. Meaning 1plot consumed per 4 plots placed.

Hope i make sense. And just throwing an example out there. They could have add a sov world plot counter.

0/100 plots - 400 sov owner plots.

With the max number raising and dwindeling as at the normal plots additional plots are bought and used.


The only thing, besides gleam club, I’d be interested in buying is free portals.

If a sovereign would include free portals on itself and to and from the public planets, like creatives* do, I would probably get one to build a hub for my farms. Otherwise it’s pass… (but I also think there shouldn’t be private planets in an MMO)

Or they could skip the planet part and just sell permanent portal blocks in the shop to get me interested.

*) The free creative portals have a restriction that make it impossible to create a hub on them.


Would 1 included portal to the orbited world be a deal-maker for you?

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Unlimited free portals on the world itself and one free to the orbiting world? That would allow interesting storage concepts. Sounds interesting.

But I’m going to say no because that’s still 20 bucks a month (gleam club and smallest world) and compared to other MMOs I can’t stop paying while taking a break.

I think if you gave away unlimited plots with a Sovereign it would dimish the game some. Plots don’t really have anything to do with owning a Sovereign, or building a Sovereign. Only resources. You have a chance at owning a teir world at your choice with a chance at what resources you want to target. That doesn’t involve plots. You need plots really bad grind for them or purchase them from the in game store. I agree with @PrincessMaude, I have never really grinded plots in this game. Just did most all crating myself and probably have way more plots then I can ever use between all my characters.