Would You Rent a Sovereign If - POLL

i dont rent sov from simple reason - i dont have money for fuelling it every month, if you rent a SOV fuelling it every month to keep it it just LIKE SUBSCRIPTION GAME - pay every month to play

i still think all players that bought game should get their 1 sov for a lifetime, no color changing - no fueling, but lifetime ownership, want color changing - youre free to rent another sov but sov that comes with random chosen colors is yours till the end of universe

GLEAMCLUB - i like changing my look from time to time, i like color signs, im paying when i like, its not must have but i like it and ill gladly pay :smiley:

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I’m bit of an outlier case for this one as have more than enough plots, but it might have factored in if that wasn’t the case.
If the game did allow me unlimited plots on a sovereign then that would enable me to keep taking up huge amounts of land on public worlds.
A big advantage for sovereigns plotting, for me, is being able to turn off the compact mechanic (don’t have to build a huge square but can just use little roads from build to build).


Add “disable compactness” on there.

Thanks Discourse :smirk:

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As with a few things in my opinion even Sovereign worlds weren’t fully thought trough.
I understand the having to use plots as that was basically a decision to clean up the perm worlds with all the plot spam.

But even though as owner you are the “boss” and can decide what a visitor can and can’t do. Also decide on colors (once a month :expressionless:) and boot beacons all that jazzz…

But personally for the price it costs the limitation on how many people can visit (depending on size) at a time there is no additional benefit of being a sov owner.
I am not saying free plot.
Just a benefit to plotting on your own world.
Like on any other world 1-1 ratio as it currently is and on my own sovereign world it’s 1-4. Meaning 1plot consumed per 4 plots placed.

Hope i make sense. And just throwing an example out there. They could have add a sov world plot counter.

0/100 plots - 400 sov owner plots.

With the max number raising and dwindeling as at the normal plots additional plots are bought and used.


The only thing, besides gleam club, I’d be interested in buying is free portals.

If a sovereign would include free portals on itself and to and from the public planets, like creatives* do, I would probably get one to build a hub for my farms. Otherwise it’s pass… (but I also think there shouldn’t be private planets in an MMO)

Or they could skip the planet part and just sell permanent portal blocks in the shop to get me interested.

*) The free creative portals have a restriction that make it impossible to create a hub on them.


Would 1 included portal to the orbited world be a deal-maker for you?

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Unlimited free portals on the world itself and one free to the orbiting world? That would allow interesting storage concepts. Sounds interesting.

But I’m going to say no because that’s still 20 bucks a month (gleam club and smallest world) and compared to other MMOs I can’t stop paying while taking a break.

I think if you gave away unlimited plots with a Sovereign it would dimish the game some. Plots don’t really have anything to do with owning a Sovereign, or building a Sovereign. Only resources. You have a chance at owning a teir world at your choice with a chance at what resources you want to target. That doesn’t involve plots. You need plots really bad grind for them or purchase them from the in game store. I agree with @PrincessMaude, I have never really grinded plots in this game. Just did most all crating myself and probably have way more plots then I can ever use between all my characters.


If you pay for a private sov world it should be.

  1. Your rules
  2. Full control without limitations to colour changes ect.
  3. Should be able to reset the biomes and regenerate the world, just like when you rebase a web server and rebuild the DB.

It’s like any MMO for the most part. Like player/guild housing of sorts in some MMOs.

The point was, should they? Because…

You only get resources as you say here. (granted as people said you get a little more) but the problem is that they just aren’t worth it to a lot of people. The poll already shows more people would buy one if plots were free on them and that they would keep it for an extended amount of time. Also, a new player won’t even buy a sovereign early on as they don’t have any plots to really build on one at least not to its fullest capacity.

There you go someone actually providing options to making sovereigns more desirable.

I need plots and I do grind them A LOT. I literally could not finish half my color storage without more plots and all I did was put rock in machines to turn to gravel, then gravel into machines for sand and sand, water and kindling for concrete and combined that with gleamballs almost daily and I got the plots I need. But…

IT SUCKED. I had to do this for a LONG time just to build on a planet that I rent. It’s like renting a house but not having access to all the rooms in the house unless I cook more food for a month.

Point is this…

  1. Monumental has stated they want to make sovereign planets more desirable to purchase.

  2. A new player will have little to no reason to buy a sovereign.

  3. Start a new character and grind plots and grind out about 10k and see how long it takes you. I challenge you … pretty sure no one will take me up on this. I’ve done it I had to grind out about 3k plots. On top of this I’m not a founder and don’t get extra plots and I haven’t been playing very long and I can’t build as much as I’d like to due to plot limitations.

  4. It would be interesting to know how many people have bought plots. I could have bought them, but with a mechanic to grind them out I didn’t. In hindsight, I should have. I would be willing to bet that plots purchases are quite low.

I bought plots. I mean the 15k cubit pack. They’re on a particular alt so I can do builds and protect them from my main. TBF the original build I bought them for got REKT when they refactored the plotting/settlement rules.

That was in my first 60 days. I currently have about 4k plots on Nightstar. Actual plots I mean right now.


No sweat if I use those up.

EDIT: Funny story but that build is why I joined the forum. To find out what the hell happened. Turns out <40 days after “release” and they were already changing the plotting system against footfall griefers, or something.

IIRC they had added the new settlement rules (road plots and all that) but not any of the analysis tools yet.


I appreciate all the information and everyone being respectful :slight_smile:


I’ve always wondered by gleam club didn’t come with a set of plots. To be perfectly frank, spending the same amount on gleam club a month ($10usd) and the same on an sov seems out of balance.

I know quite a few that do not get gleam club. They don’t think it has enough perks.

So … to keep the game more balanced … maybe there is a way Monumental could split that … say ,
buy gleam club , get X number of free plots
and …
rent an sov, and depending on the size, get X number of free plots to get you started.


Used to buy plots… probably will again but to be fair when i bought plots it was plot as fast as you can as much as you can… now basically it isn’t that necessary. sure you still need plots but you can go easy.

That said for me my situation has changed which means ill probably buy my first 1-3k plots so i can start planning out. Or something. (Probably) :grin:


Maybe you should get a boost of plots with a purchased world to help you out, like maybe 1/10th (doesn’t need to be that exact amount just the initial idea of it) of the available plots on the world but can only be used on that sovereign so people don’t keep buying more and more worlds just to abuse the plots. So when the world expires so does the plots that you got free with the world. If that makes sense


Ah, I have to ask - did you mean 1/10 of the roughly 350k plot columns, or 1/10 of the roughly 11 million actual plots?

Not that It’s important - I’m sure it would definitely encourage some world buying.

Maybe when you buy sovereign worlds or fuel you could also get cubits to buy plots with. Might be a nice bonus to help you get started if you’re low on plots without being something that could be exploited.


@cjmarsh That would be a good addition. To gain cubits for purchase to. Doesn’t have to be on the full price tag.

But it would also encourage others to buy world fuel as they at least gain something in return.
Also sov owners don’t waist all the fuel and gain a little back.

With this i would more like be a sov owner. As i also gain cubits which i can spend on plots for infrastructure :wink:.


waiit a minute… getting plots is hard? well gathering gleams. different colors every day, today without being tired, i jumped on few sovs, gathering gleams and made 8 levels which gave me 2400 cubits for what i can buy coffer with 80 plots - 80 plots every day? it gives 2400 plots monthly :smiley: 1 year? 24000 plots? which planet i can plot alone?

i meant base plots around the world but its doesnt matter to be exact just giving the idea, the fraction doesnt need to be 1/10 it was more of the idea i was going for, it could be alot less just so it all falls into place depending on which size sov is bought

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