WTB Gold Fist

Looking to buy gold fist. Need it to have glow gather and clear weather. Damage isn’t that important, dura is a plus. TIA

In case you don’t know. If you are holding any item with clear weather. Go to sanctum and take it off in sanctum. And then got back in game. Clear weather will stay on your character permanently until you hold a clear weather item again in game.


Wow! I didn’t know that! Thanks for the tip!

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Yeah it’s awesome. I haven’t seen snow in ages. :raised_hands:


That’s going to be really useful for me. In my city at Sochaltin it is snowing every 2 minutes. Global warming consequences, I guess.


Noted. Thank you that might just take care of things. Have plenty other fist I can use that don’t have clear weather!

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global server warming - they are heating up again; time to re-start