WTB Lavender Gleam

Every once in awhile I toss it out there that I am looking for Lavender Gleam. I will buy one piece or until I run out of money I guess lol.
Lavender gleam is a gleambow gleam, so I know it’s a rare beauty.


How much do you pay for said gleam, i have some, but I would need to keep some of it for my build, how much depends how much i will let go of… x

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I have paid anywhere from 2000 to 5000 per piece of lavender. I can’t afford to buy alllll the lavender at that price, but I can do some!

@Mystfit are you currently online? I may have a few of something you may want :blush:

Are you the regular buyer of it from my shop? If so, I can throw across a few for free to say thanks

I buy it whenever I see it up there, yes. Lol :))))

I wasn’t when you posted but I should be today!!

Ok. Hopefully I can catch you online after work… Have 50 pcs with your name on it. Cookie had 100 for sale so bought them all… 50 for me 50 for you :blush:


/Happy clap

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@Mystfit let me know when you are online so I can log in and give you pressies!! :slight_smile:

I’ll log in now. If I afk all of a sudden it’s cause I hope to have trick or treaters :wink:

All good… I will try to be quick. Can’t let the kiddies go without their candy lol

I am at the dragon hub near the portal to my world, Malva. Character is Amemyst.

Thanks for the present!!!

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You are very welcome :blush: