XP valley vote time! [COMPLETED]

Just to make it clear, yes I could have named my own streets. I had names picked out and everything actually. BUT… XP valley is for everyone. Not me. So that’s why I wants ideas not suggestions for names like I didn’t know lol. But all these names that your about to vote for only the top 7 names will be the names for XP Valley. Also I did not add any of my own. All the names came from you guys. So in advance thank you :heart: vote will end 2024-06-08T00:00:00Z happy voting and thank you again :heart: and yes you can pick more then 1[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=2 public=true chartType=bar]

  • SratShine ST.
  • Galaxy Ave.
  • Nebula Blvd
  • Constellation Crescent ST.
  • Meteorite lane
  • Harvest Hill road
  • Cornfield Court
  • Wheatway st.
  • Orchard ave
  • Meteor trail
  • Feather falls blvd
  • Meadow lane
  • Moonshadow way
  • Bumblebee lane
  • Jaw lane
  • Rock Fest end
  • Underhill corner
  • Phantom walk
  • Frosty way rd
  • Star-light st
  • Star-bright st.
  • Reapers row
  • Roadthatsgood
  • Chisel chums st.
  • Rainbow road
  • Sedimentary lane
  • Metamorphic st.
  • Igneous alley
  • Lily rd
  • Boundmore St.
  • Bloody Mary Street
0 voters
  • The Choices St.
  • Tammy lane
  • Crystal cove court
  • Shadow st
  • Phantom parkway
  • Inspector blvd
  • Wraith way
  • Hunting hollow rd
  • Arie ave
  • Symphony St
  • Bravo blvd
  • Progress parkway
  • Code crescent
  • Algorithm alley
  • Pixel path
  • Quantum Quay
  • Lutrion lane
  • Glimmering Grove
  • Silver stream st.
  • Shimmering shore st
0 voters
  • Foxxy lane
  • ZigZagDooDad lane
  • Cotton candy lane
  • Whiskey lane
  • Pirate Jim Rd
  • Run is gone st.
  • Opera lane
  • Spitter alley
  • Cuttle lane
  • Hopper end
  • Roadrunner st.
  • Runner Rd.
  • Hurrishane lane
  • Host lane
  • Ghost st.
  • Vale of dreams st.
  • Maestro mile
  • Crescendo crescent
  • Autumn alley
  • Winter end
0 voters

Hope this works my first time doing a pull. So here we go.

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  • Starshine st.
  • Galaxy avenue
  • Nebula boulevard
  • Constellation crescent Street
  • Meteorite Lane
  • Harvest Hill road
  • Cornfield Court
  • Wheatway Street
  • Orchard avenue
  • Meteor trail
  • Feather falls boulevard
0 voters
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HOD has a Chisel Chums faction so that picked that one :smile:


@subsect you didn’t pick Pirate Jim Rd? :smile:

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Haha, no I couldn’t. Too many good options. I love the Chisel Chums!


Words. I meant to say ‘so that is why I picked that one’ :innocent:

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Boundmore Street has a certain ring to it :wink:

On a serious note though, Quantum Quay is my favourite I must say. Tough choice though, even with multiple vote. So many good names there.

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Just booping this to the top. :joy:

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XP Valley is actually good and memorable. Keep it.

Kind regards,


the name of the entire part remains XP Valley - this is only vote to name streets that make the Valley


Exo Avenue
Roadrunner Boulevard
Kindling Street
Earthyam Park
Hopper Street
Aenea Alley

Kind regards,

Kind regards,


Last pull… this is the top 9 you guys voted but I can only have 7. So pick wisely for now you can only pick one. Date for voting to end still the same.

  • Reaper rd
  • Pixel path
  • Glimmering grove
  • Spitter alley
  • ZigZagDooDad lane
  • Starshine st
  • Meteor trail
  • Feather falls boulevard
  • Meteorite lane
0 voters
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Just want to add there is only a few days till this pull is over.


Bumpity bump bump! Vote! And become 24% more awesome!


Voting is all done and streets are named :blush::heart: @majorvex