You can help me and advice to find gold and silver???

Hello good, I can not find gold and silver in the planets of level 3 that are supposed to have, could you tell me how to find it, if it should be mined in certain areas or some kind of pattern for the betas?

Thank you so much

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T3 won’t offer alot of it. Try T4 and higher


When I began i would go to Lamblis and dig straight down (a little offset occasionally so random people wouldn’t fall to their deaths) and would seek caverns where I would search for silver exposed on the walls. Till had better odds but there is so much lava getting to unpillaged areas is a little trickier. This should get you just enough silver to make some tools.

Make some silver bombs, stat so you can use them properly (1 bomb mastery, bomb epic, damage epic and max Power/Dexterity/Luck stats) and then go to: Besevrona for silver and Serpenserindi for gold. On Serp go to any mountainous area and dig beneath it to about altitude 10-30 where you can find lots of gold, titanium and diamonds. On Bese go to the waters edge and dig down to altitude 10-30 where you will find lots of silver and occasionally some amethyst.

Don’t want to deal with bombs or don’t like the idea of them being used for mining? Just follow my directions and strip mine the area for a similar effect. I know you didn’t ask for gem locations but on these tier 5 worlds you will find an abundancy of the ores you are seeking while also finding gems you will want eventually. Make sure for strip mining you have the damage multiplier epic and hammer epic otherwise mining will be a tedious pain in the rear. Good luck to you :slight_smile:


Silver can be found on serp as well, just at slightly higher altitudes than gold and diamonds, I’ve seen em around 30-40 not nearly as abundant as on besevrona though.
Edit: in case you only have one atmosphere protection and don’t wanna spec into another :wink:


Go straight to a T5. Don’t waste time with T4.


Beservona has lots of it on altitudes 20+ (but lower too)


I have a list


the list works but its a rough list so may be different from time to time but at least you have something to go off of

is besevrona better than serp? do you get more diamonds or rubys and ore there on besevrona than serp? just curious

You’ll find more silver on besevrona than serp. However, diamond and rubies don’t spawn on besevrona, emerald and amethyst do(amethyst under shallow water and emerald under deeper water).
Edit: serp is a “coal” world so more coal will be on the planet, besevrona is a “lush” world you’ll find a bunch of fossils looking for gems, and alnitans is a “metal” world you’ll find a lot of tech devices here.

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I’ve yet to find silver on surp… tonnes of gold tho.

its a bit rare, but its there. around alt 40 ive found a few veins.

while mining for rubies on serp i can tell you there’s plenty of silver at the lower altitudes.

If you put the materials in your atlas, diamond is found near platinum and silver with rubies but rarely together

Titanium? Gold? Or there’s something I’m not aware off?

Titanium is usually higher than diamonds based on my experience. Gold… not sure, I just get enough when looking for completely other stuff.

Yep. just woke up so brain wasn’t thinking straight. thanks

I’ve found titanium at the same depth as diamonds though probably not in the same amounts as can be found at higher depths or under mountains.

The catch with silver on Serp is that you wont find it under the mountains with diamond. Only gold will be found with diamonds which is an indicator to when your outside of bounds and begin to find silver, you have gone outside of the diamond mountain.