Your thoughts about this biome

So i’m currently working on a world and i created a pretty cool biome but i’m not sure how it would fit/look in the game
here are some screenshots

It’s not finished yet but i would like to hear your thoughts about it :wink:


I think it would look better if you lowered the top point a bit and made the roof/thing was a bit more wavy and not completely flat.

The same going for the ground.


That look freaking awesome

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Cam we see some updated of it?

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Sorry this was almost a year ago :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t have any of my old worlds anymore sadly :c
i wanna start world building again so stay tuned :smiley:

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Why dont you have eny old left?

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Deleted them by mistake

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Dayng thats a big mistace may i ask how you did it by mistake

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