Release 167 - Feedback

  1. Agreed. There is some serious balancing needed with progression/skill points/skill costs and cleanse points: Just like plot allocations did after the introduction of the plot grids.

  2. I haven’t hit yet, nor have I levelled up enough to make hunting and exploring worthwhile.

I agree that there needs to be more guidance about what skill will do what, but I don’t know that all the recipes should be uncovered, it was kinda neat to “discover” what my capabilities were upon acquiring a new skill.

However,as you’ve pointed out, I’ve had to use all my cleanse points just to undo and redo decisions about skills in order to try to progress in the objectives (some tell you what you will need to complete them, others don’t).

Also, levelling up seems slow. or rather necessary skill acquisition is slow. I’ve been playing the latest build for about a week, have a decent home built, have nearly acquired all the machines, but am only level 13, and most of the skill tree is untouched. At this point I am expanding the base just to farm XP. My inventory is too small to attempt to “go adventuring” and I may need to give up my gains there just to be able to get a few more required recipes.

You shouldn’t need to progress to level 15 (or higher: still don’t have windows) just to be able to build doors and windows; or perhaps there should be low tech options as well (translucent tanned hide windows…, etc).

I understand that levelling is something that should be gradual to give players an incentive to continue to grow, but I think the basic skills are way too expensive, and after level 10 it is becoming a grind just to level up enough to get the points needed to hit objectives (each level gives you 10 points, but to be able to progress in crafting skills I now need 14 points, so, I need to level twice to gain one skill, and since the skills get more expensive as you acquire them, I’m looking at soon needing 3 levels per skill.

I haven’t even gotten to buffing the stats or acquiring skills in other areas yet (well technically I have, but then had to cleanse them so I could use the points elsewhere).

So while the skill tree is very rich, but I’m afraid I’m going to get to a point soon where play will become a slog-fest to farm xp.


Workbench: :heavy_check_mark:
Copper Bars: 22 :heavy_check_mark:
Sticks: 53 :heavy_check_mark:
Fossil Extracts: 45 :heavy_check_mark:
Common Weapon Recipes: :heavy_check_mark:

Workbench can’t even :tools:: :question::bangbang::interrobang: :rage:

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You need to unlock skills to craft now. See Esc, Character, Skills. It’s awesome.

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I had that until the reset. sigh

It’s getting very difficult to earn XP now. It’ll be awhile before I can buy that skill.

But wait–there’s more.

I can’t do the “portal to a friend” objective because I don’t have a friend. But I had a friend, because that friend is listed as having access to my beaconed area. Soooo, does I have a friend, or doesn’t I? I think this was a side-effect of resetting the characters without resetting the beacons and I expect it won’t happen in production.

The problem is that there are maybe three people on Solum at any given time, so I won’t be making any friends soon.

Leveling up to 20 takes a couple of days so it shouldn’t be that slow. I have all but 1 or 2 skills in the tool category.

One interesting tid-bit. If you dig your own tunnels for resources, you’ll find less but level faster because its 2-4 per block. If you scavenge caverns, you find more but don’t earn as much but you reduce the damage done to your tools. You choose.

They didn’t reset characters or friend lists. Just to make it clear for anyone reading this post.

They only resetted levels, as the progression system changed.

I dig a lot of tunnels. I guess I’ll dig more. I can make a lot of tools. It’s a long haul to any caves…bad choice of location–but it’s pretty and I can hear the siren calls of animals drowning all around me.

For me leveling up to 20 takes more than a few days because I can’t devote a lot of hours to it.


As may be, but on day X I have skills and friends, and on day X+1 I don’t, so for me it’s po-tay-to/po-tah-to. I guess someone unfriended me over that steak incident. :cry:

Not bugs!

Issue 1: As you progress you may spend your skillpoint on something that you won’t like. However when you gain 1 cleanse per level bad decisions may become even more painful. For example now i have to get 18k exp per level and i have to clean 7 skills. To do such thing i will have to grind A LOT in order to level up and spend my cleanse points. It’s a very bad design. Either cleanse point gain rate should be increased or cleanse point should be avaiable every like 5-10k exp points earned…

Issue 2: Slingbow rapid firing. In my opinion it’s waay too underpowered. You should be able to shoot twice as fast with this skill. Not 20%, because atm this skill is pointless.

Issue 3(bug): charge slingbow attack does not work

Main Issie: I think all recipes should be visible from the start. Player should be informed which skill he has to unlock in order to be able to craft such item. Current cleanse system makes this crafting feature even worse because you dont know what recipes you gain after spending like 15 points on a skill.


IIRC some slingbow materials provide rapid fire, and some provide charged shot. That might be your problem with charged shot right there.

Also, I should probably point out that considering charged shot lowers the DPS, 20% increase is a fitting boost for rapid fire… especially when you consider that it’s multiplying any other non-dexterity boosts you have to your slingbow.

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