Release 167 - Report issues here

this is what happened to me


So about objectives, I have only 3 now, these I cant finish (the white objective goals are bugged):

I dont know if any more objectives should show up, or only after finishing these, or there are no more objectives, but here are my finished ones:

And a lot of feats doesnt work too, dont know if bugged or didnt activated yet (like daily and weekly objectives). I can show you the list about not working feats too if you would like too.

here you can see that 4 hours before date change (which happens 1am Irish time) it shows 20 hours and its going up to 24 hours as I’m looking at it now

and a few minutes later:

Looks painful!


Crashed 3 times in an hour - once during loading the game, once walking in a grassy area and the last time a minute ago when checking my storage blocks.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Release 167 - Feedback

Found a bug…

I worked my way to mass crafting skill and setup 3 runs of Oort Shards before I left for work this morning (~8hours ago).

I logged out shortly after and on my return just now this is where they are… 7101 weeks! So in 136.55 Years my Oort Shards will be done…

So I cancel the crafting and all of my Oort and the Spark used to fule the process for all 3 mass crafing are gone!!! NO! I really wish I could get them back :frowning:

Nope not a durability thing…

Attempting this again:

Lets see if It works…

Maybe check the durability or something along those lines in contents, your extractor might need to be spanned with a spanner

ok, so we cant see each other’s shovels - just shoveling here and we both see our tools fpp but not on the other person (also happened with a chisel before that)

The objective “Setting Up A Request Basket” is not working. I’ve pickedup and re-setup all of my “Request Baskets” over 12 of them and I’m still showing (0/10).

I believe this was also noted here: Release 167 - Report issues here - #19 by Kawwak

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Have you tried anyone selling things to you

No names on player.

And the text is very difficult to read, have to move the camera to a darker, or lighter area to read it.

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I think the classic black with white outline or white with black outline would be a good choice for the text, along with perhaps a few sizes larger of font… the UI scale only helps so much and that can clutter the screen a lot :confused:

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Sent in a bunch of crash dumps to the email, but now my game is occasionally crashing 3 times in a 20 minute span, and is no longer generating dump files.

@Xanotos, Confirmed player sold me bone and sap still not working.

Adding screenshot after someone just sold me 34 berries… still no update as seen here:

k. i haven’t had anyone tell confirm that to me yet. thanks

Feats using furnance for crafting don’t appear to be correctly tracked. I tried it with cooking starberries but its not tracked.

Feats for compacting like the Crushed and Compacted I, does not appear to be tracking correctly either. I tried compacting clay and it did not track.

Feats for extraction also don’t appear to be tracking either. I tried extracting a fibre and fossil extract and it doesn’t tract.

Feats for gathering leaves, trunk, and soil, don’t appear to be working either.