4th of July on Boundless

I see that there is Christmas and Valentine’s day on Boundless, and surely since there is bombs in the game there is fireworks right?

Maybe they can make some fireworks for Boundless.

4th of July is my favorite holiday <3


The game is run by a studio based out of Guildford, Surrey, England. So probably no chances of getting a 4th of July holiday any time soon :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi, I love the 4th of July too! Canada Day too! Fireworks in game would be neat especially if it was automated where you could create little shows!

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Fireworks just in general would be awesome!


Also I know not everyone celebrates 4th of July, so let’s just say Id like fireworks in Boundless. :slight_smile:


“them darn rebellious Colonials!” lol

It’s an American Holiday… :blush: The game is created in the UK, and Americans are only a portion of the community.

I think games usually celebrate seasons or holidays that are apolitical/secular.

I think a summer celebration would be cool though. :blush:


I know I didn’t think it through

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Yes holidays like :christmas_tree: Christmas :christmas_tree: ! lol


I had a guy that lived beside me in game that swore I was a dev for months despite me repeatedly saying no I’m not a dev lol, but his suggestion to me last year was stars wars themed cosmetics for 4th of July. May the 4th (force) be with you. Surely star wars is global. What do you say guys? Lightsabers? Darth vader masks? I know copyright blah blah blah but what’s a little lawsuit to make your players happy. :smiley:


I could go for May 4th!! Star Wars!


Should be fireworks in game for celebrations of all kinds :slight_smile:

May 5th is day of the dead.

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Summer celebrations? I wonder if that could mean new bikinis and banana hammocks from everyone. :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I would REALLY love an event before I have to go back to Uni and Rotations for nursing school. I started playing on the last day of the gleambow event and I don’t think there are any other events between now and September which is such a shame given that a lot of people are probably able to play a bit more over the summer.


A new holiday/event would be cool. Doesn’t even have to be related to real life so people from all over would feel included.


May 5th is Cinco de Mayo. :slightly_smiling_face:

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) starts on October 31st. :skull:


You’re right I forget, my bad

Hey no worries. If I didn’t crlebrate them both every year, I probably wouldn’t have had a clue myself :joy:

you can always celebrate it in game by making some temporary decor in your settlement/house/base
and even invite all that celebrate the 4th to visit


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