4th of July on Boundless

And that reminds me of Grim fandango, which is an excellent adventure game.

Maybe we can get 100 people to throw a bomb at the same time :slight_smile:


even 10 people would work!

btw - unlike the official Boundless events, where we can use special in-game items, the likes of July the 4th or St. Patrick’s Day (or any other holiday people celebrate in different corners of the world) make you come up with your own ideas and use your creativity

so, bomb throwing on the 4th at yours? is it official?

PS. could ask @georgegroeg to create and share a stars and stripes body paint

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How about on the 5th? Due to some people including myself might actually be letting off fireworks.

So the 5th and I’ll make it an event

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Ok, what time you think would work?

We could all go to a lava planet and bomb the planet at the same time so we all fall into pools of lava below

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Perhaps a Solstice celebration could fit in well with the theme of Boundless? :thinking: Make it last for a few weeks around that time, and making it general like that, it is catching both hemispheres (Summer north, Winter south).

Could include various things within - for example, in the past, some of us really seemed to like the idea of fireflies. :slight_smile: What if fireflies came out for a couple weeks on either side of the Solstice… and catching them, you could craft fireworks? :smiley: Maybe make some decorative stuff as well… perhaps southern hemisphere folks might have some ideas from their side, things for the start of winter that could be added.


I’m going to say between 10am central time and 3pm central time. Whatever works best for everyone so all can do it. I’ll make a post for it this afternoon :slight_smile:

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I like your idea

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thats between afternoon and late evening for me in Ireland, so cool

yeah, like that

and all that talk reminds me about the old suggestion:

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Fireworks no !! My pets are scared … Oh, but if we don’t have pets … then I don’t care.:man_shrugging:

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What if :thinking: fireworks was a pet


would be cool if the Devs allowed us to create “automated” light/aka firework shows that could go off every so often… be kind of neat to design that at every city center!


I think player made events would be cool too. But @james I beg you for an official event before those of us on summer hols have to go back to our respective schools and universities. After all, it is summer! Time for celebrations. Also, I live up the road from the studio. Don’t make me come down there! Jk. :innocent:


Well maybe from July 1 - 4 we’ll get a special Exo with really good colours and we can make our own fireworks.


We could do fireworks for November 5th. Get some nice anonymous mask wearables to go with it :sunglasses:

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20 people, 20 Max projectile slings, lots and lots of fast brews! Looks like fireworks :joy::tada::partying_face:


Gonna need a grill on which we can craft hot dogs and hamburgers :smirk:


Uhm…not sure what you mean