4th of July on Boundless

Murica is pretty big and surprisingly not all of our population lives in big cities with gang activity and high crime rates, even if our own media might try to claim otherwise :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I was kind of worried there for a moment

For most of the US, it’s not like that at all. A lot of towns and cities get together and do a big fireworks show at football stadiums, parks, lakes, etc so that everyone can drive up, toss down a blanket or chair, and watch. The kids show up with glow stick necklaces & sparklers. It’s a lot of fun.

If you have a few acres out of the city limits, those people usually invite a few fam or friends over, sit outside and set off a few fireworks.

They are banned inside of a lot of city limits.


btw - where is your base @Oortian? and how to get there easiest?


It’s on gellis, and it’s right next to the brick museum I believe?


Also, our media likes to sensationalize everything they can - people aren’t running around waving guns everywhere and shooting everyone.


what portal network should I use? what town/city is it? cant place the museum now using my failing memory :blush:

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I’m truly not entirely sure, gimme one moment for coordinates

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Your description brings back good memories :relaxed:. Unfortunately I haven’t been to a good fireworks show since rescuing 2 beagles a few years ago who become absolutely terrified whenever they go off…it’s only Tuesday and it’s already been a long week in this house :pensive:


556N 2038E on gellis


Yep, here is what it looks like in my lil’ town, probably typical of a lot of small towns… not my pic though, I’m usually not around for it, usually up in Canada the first week of July so generally am taking part in the Canada Day festivities up where we vacation. :slight_smile:


This year will look different of course - they’re still going to have them, but with a lot of precautions/regulations.


Wonder why pointing out real and proven facts is a reason to get flagged lol.

Meh. Ah well let the censorship police continue. Heres betting its from someone in the land of free speech. Oh the irony.

I love the idea of being able to craft fireworks with bomb charges.

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The nice thing about freedom of speech is that people can say whatever but it doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with it or respect it :wink:

For the record I did not flag you. The only person I’ve ever flagged is Jess because my tongue in cheek reply to her got flagged but her tongue in cheek reply to me did not and that didn’t seem fair :rofl:


Totally agree. Not agreeing with something and commenting your own view, crack on. Disagree and censor it…not so much.

Oh well on with life lol

I didn’t flag you, but I see why people did.

What you described is not what 99% of the US experiences. This is all a discussion for a different forum/platform though, not here.


Well I laughed :slightly_smiling_face:

There are some threads where people have asked for a summer type event. One with possibly fireflies, etc. Just a couple of months until the spooky season/event :ghost:


even if we dont get fireworks or anything, could always have a gleambow shower! those always look neat


this is pretty old but what about this idea a unique holliday for boundless

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