60hrs in, me and my friend hit a bit of a wall. Any advice?

Meteors are great, yeah. Do you have 3x3 (AOE) hammers?

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No, I don’t have any forged weapons at all. Tricky was nice enough to give me an autoloot hammer for the Meteor hunt. :slight_smile:

No joke. @FayaAOP is building a massive stepped pyramid of sorts on the 0N 0E area of Besevrona, and has some other similar side-projects elsewhere, I think. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you online right now?


Yeah, I am. :smiley:

60hrs in, me and my friend hit a bit of a wall. Any advice?

if not baconed try to use a hammer… LOL!

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Glad to see new people on the hunt hope you will join more and don’t worry about dying it happends :slight_smile:

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I am sure it’s already mentioned, but find portal hubs every planet (except exo’s) has several portal hubs.

Like Portal Seekers, Ultima, Hubbit and TNT (those are the ones i know of).
Make use of them.

Making alts is a good thing but if you keep focusing on one character you can build 5 different pages on it.
Have 1 main 2 alts.

Main builder/miner/lumberjack/hunter/gatherer
Alt 1 crafter-forger
Alt 2 crafter-shops

Atm you should only need 3 characters max
Main - crafter (alt) - shop owner (alt only if you plan to start a shop [tax epic]).

Further if you are in need of coin check the shop request baskets and collect what they buy.
Find an Exchange if you need specific materials. I own the terra exchange on Antar VI.

Take your time, progress is progress.
And like i say to a lot of beginners Knowledge (menu) is your friend. It can tell you what you need and where to find it. It also changes color palette when you are on a other planet.

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My question here is if you don’t bother with all of the protections, what is to keep them safe as they run around the planet to get to a good mining spot? Unless they do the farm mining?

I guess I’m weird, I preferred to advance slowly and enjoy the game. I stayed on level 3 and 4 planets until I had enough skills to keep me from dying as I ran around looking for items and used a atlas to find a good mining spot. Which was probably around 500 or more hours of game play.

I used just my unforged titanium tools (can buy the bars real cheap at a lot of shops) and was happy with what I got as I learned and gained xp for points and in how to play the game. I have over 1k hours in the game and I have just now switched to titanium tools, unforged, for the lower level planets and use the AOE tools only on level 6 planets when mining or in a rush in a regen farm for sand and soil to make glass.

Was using unforged titanium axe last night while on Shedu Te to gather sweet beans, bitter beans and exotic yams from plants. With my forged weapons (I forged them) got for a fringe benefit, lol two cores, a road runner feather, a horn, lots and lots of blood and other items I need from the critters I killed for making forging mats. And was killed three times. Stupid hopper did a sneak attack once and killed me, twice I took on a elemental when I should have ran – not stood my ground. Real smart of me (Not !)

But, I have never felt I needed to rush and get to the end as fast as I could. I like to enjoy and savor the game, same with my ice cream, why rush a good food, enjoy every bite ! :slight_smile:

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Taking your time is your best bet.
If you want to go to fast you’ll burn up faster^^


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge. An atlas is only a few hundred coins, grab one for the world along with a gem of choosing. It doesn’t take long to traverse the surface to get to 1 mining spot. But I was talking about the atmospheric protections, you don’t need all of those either to start mining efficiently.

The number of plots you get is way too low to build a decent sized base. That’s why I am rushing all of my characters to 50. At around 600 hours played I am finally getting close to enough plots for a home base (around 1600 plots across 5 characters)

Edit: I have a few thousand hours into Minecraft. I’ve built things out of blocks a time or two. I don’t want to waste my time making a tiny dirty shack again. I want to make an actual build and the progression system is way too slow for that. I gather blocks exponentially faster than I can get space to place them.

wow even with the area I just plotted onto my base (nearly doubling its size) my base is not this large. I mean considering i just added around 400 plots I’m getting into the neighborhood of 1000 (at least 800+).

I am reading this a bit late, but I recall feeling the same.

3 characters, Hunter, Miner and crafter worked for me, the miner is progressing fastest, but depends on what will you like to do in game most. Sometimes I wish i had just one, but still I think three is better.

When felt stuck, I set “goals” to achieve and made a plan to reach them, which helped.

If you like to experience meteorite hunting or show how to gather different materials efficiently I will gladly show and explain how to.

I started quite slow, but I think that what works the best is to go meteor hunting either solo or in groups.

So I would sugest that you two start a hunter character, it will be hard at the begining, but you will gain enough xp and oort stones which you can sell in markets for around 170 coins. Once you have a good amount of money you should get a good gem slingbow and grapple.

Once you can get a constant income with oort stone you can buy whatever you need, brews, pies, coils and tools like aoe hammers (3x3 would be nice but cross is good too) so you can go and get ores with a miner.

Keep all the rocks you get and use them to gain xp, you only need mass crafting skill and lots of crafting tables (teaching pie would improve your xp gains).

Hi! Welcome to Boundless!

I would 100% say get another character! Make one your miner and one your builder/crafter. You’ll level them both as you go and the skill points will go further. I tried to do everything on one character when I started and having a second toon really made it easier. Use teaching pies. :blush:

This is actually discussed on the forums all the time. Being an MMO the game is, in my opinion, best played with others. Personally, I think the game is too big for one player to do everything. You have your friend, which is awesome, so you’re not truly a solo player. Dividing up your roles, which it sounds like you’ve done, is wise and after you get your characters leveled it will get easier.

Also, I would recommend making a second character so you can hunt. Hunts will bring you a ton of resources, Oort, and also will help you get to know others in the community. The best hunts for newer player like yourself, are JaceyLive’s. He (or someone on his behalf) hosts hunts nearly daily. They are most of the time on Circapous (T4), so you’ll need 1pt in caustic protection. Everyone meets at Meteor Meet and the hunt lasts two hours. I would stay away from the T6 hunts until you get more experience/skills.

At the stage of the game you are in, I would say don’t worry about portals… maybe get a 1x2 player portal which links you to a city with close access to a major hub. Keeping up with portals is a lot of pressure Oort-wise… so for now a 1x2 with 900 shards will stay open for 5+ weeks… use that and then sell the rest of your Oort for coin. I pay 185c ea in my shop for Rough Oort… that could be really helpful for you to have the coin for other things that are more helpful at your stage of the game.

For more advice I recommend watching Jiivita videos on YouTube. He has a lot of good videos that explain how to do almost anything. I would not pay too much attention to some of his forging techniques, but he can tell you the how to’s of just about everything else in the game. His videos really are great for new players.

If you need help or have questions, feel free to visit iLLumiNaughty, on Trior. We are new player friendly and glad to lend a hand or answer questions.

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I also wanted to add… joining a guild can also help. I am the leader of iLLumiNaughty. We have no requirements for joining and we welcome those who want to do their own thing, or those who want to be part of the guild experience.

Our buffs reactivate today 8/5. We run the Grapple and Run Speed at lvl 3… this helps a lot when hunting and frankly, I can’t live without this buff. I’m spoiled.

We also have the Builder buff which adds extra block placement (so fast they gave you the ability to slow it down!) and it adds chisel durability! And we have the builder safety buff which allows you to fall and take less damage…

Our guild books are in our city, which is easily found via Blingz & Things. :blush:

Best thing to do at the start is to make alts, specially after level 24 when you can’t reset skills. After you reach level 50 it’s okay to ditch alts and use skill pages, they work great but useless before level 50.

Sorry, I totally disagree. It is so easy to get from level 1-20. You could have a pretty decent crafter with that and you can level within a day or two. Do it again and you’ll have a character you can take mining. Do it again and you can have a forger/crafter.

Also, having alts allows you to have different options for plotting and maximizing footfall generation.

I have 10 characters. I play on two of them which both have 3 skill sets. The rest are for leveling and earning cubits for plots.

Mhm check edit :stuck_out_tongue:

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Much better advice.