95% AFK - Multiboxing Accounts on Hunts

Funny how this is actually a problem, but When it comes To getting example gleambow meteors bigger its ok?

You cant play on 2 teams. Its either No Or Yes.

If afk In xp farm isnt allowed…
It should t be allowed At all.



When they want the tos to be there rules

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My thoughts would be, on a public planet it’s mostly fine, i understand that at least before (not played as much lately so might have changed) several of these people were either running portal networks, or were donating/selling to keep their favorites open… On private planets which have a player cap I’m less ok with it, but I’d defer to whoever is paying for the server.


I Run the high Tier Network Pharaos Network which IS connected to GTG and TNT and do IT on my own since 2 years now Need every Month 8ss rough oort to fuel all Portal Just for the Network.
I Run nearly 2 years every day a hunt AS Leader what i can t do anymore because of changes at my Work …
And i can say it doesen t Matter If you are 2 or 40 people on a hunt !!!
Only Thing what is important how fast you are and how you much damage you Deal !!!
I Run even T6 hunts with 4 Others getting Same or more oort than with a bigger group !!!
The Thing IS the size of Meteor IS scaled to the number of people and If anybody IS fighting all IS good !!!
If Not the Others have to Fight more which Takes longer and wastes their Material.
My opinion IS No AFK on hunts !!!
Greetings Turrican2006


my point of view

donnt blame ppls for bringing alts on hunts, as long as they will be only source of oorts and animal parts for forge ingredients,

you all like forged tools and weapons? dont blame forgers for their attempts of multiplying resources

you all like hubs offering portals to every planet? dont blame portal owners for getting oorts needed to fueling their portals

more players at platform hunt, bigger meteors, as long as active hunters are able to kill all monsters why you complaining about afkers? you got your loot regardless right?

those AFKers - they’re separated accounts, so someone had to buy another game copy to make new character to use 2nd copy of game on same PC?

if you can use multiplle same game clients on same PC that game itsellf isnt against multiboxing - its not boxing or cheating becouse youre actively using both accounts - on those 2nd account you need to move from platform to platform to catch hunt :smiley:

as long you can run mulriple copies of game at same PC its not cheating or boting its just multiotasking, noone can forbid you running 2 accounts at same time? as long as you not violate tos? there is nothing about running 2 accounts at the same time at same pc? or at 2 machines in same time?

its all about AFK playing usinmng cheats, glitches or bots, there is nothing against passive afk? wait, im going to ban from game becouse i had to go afk during my gleam mining or wood gathering? i had phone call, i had to talk with family,
help, they ban me for being AFK :smiley:
do you really want this?
becouse all those afk post leading to this, ban all for being AFK :smiley:

kinda sorry, i was hurry and for sure i misstyped several times, english isnt my native language :smiley:


You can not run multiple copies of Boundless in the same operating system.

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I remember asking James about this (in general) and recommending that everything should be tied to player accounts to avoid a lot of confusion & certain issues. He said it might be better that way, but that it wasn’t something they could do at that point.

Right now, players are allowed to create multiple accounts, multiple characters, and multiple alts. There is no AFK timeout/kick. Bans for using exploits, botting, etc are done manually, on a case by case basis.

I think it’s good to point out issues and rules that seem to conflict, but the team is not ready to start making changes yet. If you’ve discovered a bug, exploit, or want to try to get a definitive answer as to whether or not they consider something a bannable offense, your only option is to directly contact them support@playboundless.com.

As players, we can only state our subjective opinions. Using someone else’s account or bringing along 10 alts/chars/etc to a hunt would be frowned upon and probably elicit an insta-ban in many other games. If you’re ok with playing that way in Boundless, that’s a risk that you’ll have to own. Can we tell you for certainty whether or not you’ll be banned for it or help you gauge that risk in some way? Nope. We’ll have to wait and see what the new rules entail.


Not sure if it counts in your opinion, but you can by using PC + GeForce. Both on the same PC at the same time. Characters can see/interact with each other.

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ok so its clear now, but still, if yiou have pc, notebook, console you can even use 3 different acounts at same time right? 1 hunter and 2 afk accounts

i know how it looks like

1 side - he got 2 times more loot than im actively hunting, unfair becouse i cant do that

2side - i got enough parts to refill my forged tool stands and fuel my portals for next few weeks

but from other side, those known from other games “alts trains” accounts using it are perma baned becouse using several alts in same time are counted as RMT activity - or as you know - Gold Sellers, selling game loot for real money
4 afk alts at hunt, close right? but what if i want that loot to support community by forged tools or fuelling portals? hard to tell right?

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This is similar to using a VM, each copy of boundless is actually in a separate instance or operating system. GeForce now is simply a streaming connection to a remote system.

Yes - whether using multiple devices, or multiple VMs to convince each copy of steam it’s in a separate device, these are the ways it’s done.

The reason I pointed this out after @Zjawcia’s initial comment is because I’ve played games in the past that would run multiple instances in the same operating system. In both of those games running multiple instances was normal and acceptable.

For a game like boundless you have to acquire multiple accounts and multiple devices or systems in order to achieve this as a work-around.

Since Boundless is the only game I play on Steam (I’ve only tried one other, a tower defense game) I’m not sure if this is actually a limitation of Boundless, or Steam.

This No one man Show … This IS a Community Game … You can t do everything alone or If you want to you have to spend the time its nesessary for.
So Like i wrote i ll manage a Network on my own alone so Long i ve time to do IT If someday i Don t have the time to get my oort i Need i have to seek a Partner , buy oort or Close IT…
Same with all Other stuff…

If No Material you can t produce …


but, wait, you can use multiple steam accounts at same pc on only 1?
becouse if you have 3 steam accounts each with Boundless, Boundless working as steam client and different steam client means different Boundless instance?
anyone familiar? im just curious :slight_smile:

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You can easily use external software that allow you to run several steam applications at once.

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Personally, I think Multiboxing is an interesting thing to play with from a ‘Can it be done’ technical stance, but is otherwise bad for games, as the purpose is usually to gain advantage over other players in some way. However, with Boundless there is a legitimate use for it as has been described; to push for bigger meteors.

If I were Monumental, I’d leave things as they are until I was up to speed with the codebase, then add a stacking consumable that lets you count as +1/+2/+3 people (whatever makes sense for tier of consumable) for the purpose of opening meteors (or possibly any other logic that is determined by number of people in the vicinity).

That way they can give people a non-workaround solution to getting the meteors people want to fight while also taking away the semi-legitimate reason to multibox. Then they can make a more definitive decision about whether it is ok or not in isolation.


The reason why people use alts is because the playerbase is not as high yet, I’m sure when things change in the near future (also the game being Free to play or cheaper to purchase) things will change , for now I will use my pc acc and my geforce now and my ps4 when the lady ain’t playing.


If they do that, I’m quitting.
My reasoning here is, if I need to lay the controller down because I take care of my little son, and that takes sometimes 5 or more minutes, everytime I’m just shortly afk I would be spawned into the sanctum. Therefore as many know, if you’re farming somewhere, and you pop back in after being in sanctum, you spawn elsewhere. Mostly above the farm and they dont have always access back in. Not to mention each time I’m in sanctum I would forget what I was up to and just run around like a headless chicken. Time waste on top of that! No. If they make 5 minutes timer, I’m outta here. There are other games.


They could just make you “phase out” so that you are still in the world but unaffected by anything happening around you -> no reason to worry about teleporting away or wasting time.

Even simpler, just add AFK tag next to the name, then you just stand there and everyone sees you are AFK while you are unaffected by anything around.

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I can guarantee you a afk timer where you’re being kicked to sanctum will not be added to boundless, it will just not work.

However adding a afk timer would work

1 hour no movement? A little text displays next to your name (afk) or (brb) then when you hit this status you do not get loot and technically you are seen as “not there”

Take the same system of gleambow and apply it to those afk/brb characters.

Only the looter that breaks the gleambow meteor gets the loot anyone around it does not get it.

This same system can be added :ok_hand:


I can’t remember the number of people that is required for each meteor tier, but the “it will bring larger meteors” is always the excuse. I have been on MANY hunts and let’s be honest it is usually so that you can get more Oort and/or loot. Is it wrong for someone to want more loot? No… but to always use the reasoning that it allows for bigger meteors, while true, isn’t always the reasoning and to even say that is a legitimate reason is iffy at best.

Quite true, but I did 8 hunts over the weekend. Some with 4 people, some with 20 people and some number between those and in the end I wound up with about the same amount of Oort, but not the same amount of loot (creature items). I own about 20 accounts that I have bought to give out during streams and I could very well boot up all 20 accounts (on one PC or multiple) and do meteors by myself, but personally I prefer not to do that if that were against some form of TOS and it’s just not something I want to do.

Some for AFK timer would be best. Probably makes the most sense to me to be honest. I think 5 minutes might be a bit extreme, but it could be a 5 minute timer that puts them in a state of “phased out” then disconnect them after 15 minutes.

All in all we can all put our two cents in and it will come down to how Monumental and the new team views it. They have already expressed a concern for not wanting AFK players and one can assume that will be the case with hunts. As @majorvex stated:


Multiboxing should be allowed if all accounts are having gleam club :smiley: