About inactives with extended gleam club memberships

Honestly it’s less about the half finished builds than about the eyesores. Or abandoned mall shops that are there for eternity with all the stands empty forever. I’m less opposed to people having an IRL situation. What bothers me is that when people quit, they unintentionally leave us trapped with their whatever taking up space that others might use.

Ok idea. Probably not feasible technically but oh well. What if after say 6 months (random time i just threw out)—if a player hasn’t logged in then the city could trigger a “phase build” where the inactive player’s beaconed plot is. What I mean by that is the inactive player’s build remains in tact for as long as they have gleam club, but their build visually phases out. Community members could then make a temp build in place of the inactive beacon.

If said inactive player returns, when they log in they could “reactivate their beacon” and it returns to normal, nothing lost. All the temp blocks the city used go into a designated storage area. Everyone is happy

Also a reminder guys. Please be respectful of me and of others here. We are all here trying to improve boundless.

So let me give a scenario. There are a number of shops that were at Legendville mall when I got it in April that we’re inactive then and are still inactive and probably will sit unused for years. I think it would be good if, somehow, we could avoid that sort of issue. Perhaps some sort of system like Major’s. Maybe shops could be stored and later redeployed. I’m looking for discussion and ideas here from all parties. But let’s all be nice to each other.

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For mall issues like this, I would like see possibility to rent beacons. It just sounds risky to let trojan horses inside settlement :smiley:


You can kind of already rent out beacons or keep control of them if everyone is in the same guild, but there are a lot of limitations with the few guild permissions that we currently have.

I hope we have a new beacon system in the future. It’s sad to see that we are still having issues with beacons and plots after all this time.

There are huge trust issues.

Renting or leasing beacons in places like malls does sound like a really good idea, but there would be a few things to consider.

You would need to have it so that when a lease is activated, the beacon owner loses permissions to access or modify anything within the beacon for the duration.

You would also need to have some way to return all of the items within a leased beacon to the renter once a lease expires and is not renewed.


The only system that I can think of that would work for a mall like situation, that also protects users from being abused by other users, is to add a new type of plot system.

One will only be allowed to have about 8 units of this type of plot, or whatever amount is deemed fair. and there will be two parts to it,

There is the shop plot, that you will place in the mall, and then there is the Recall plot, that is placed outside of the mall, next to your base or wherever.

The shop plots would work more or less like normal plots however it would require its owner to visit it at least once every X amount of days, maybe 30 days

The Recall plots will be an area that you set aside, this type of plot cannot have anything built into it, must be empty, and must match the configuration/layout of the shop plots.

When a shop owner fails to visit their shop at least once every X days, the system will teleport everything in the shop plots into the recall plots, and then removes the shop plots to make them free for an active player.

This way, no one loses anything, and no one can try to steal or bamboozle another player out of their items, as there are risks with renting and shared plots.

I do apologise if my idea is either confusing or makes little sense. If anyone can find any flaws in my idea, which I am sure there are some, cause I already thought of one, and its solution, let me know.


Interesting concept

That makes a lot of sense.

I had a weirder version idea where the game would sort all the shops once a month based on last visit of shopkeeper, so as the months went by, unused shops would slowly shuffle farther and farther down the row and away from the designated center plots (somehow)

Or WS could roleplay and make it so after not visiting your own plot for a month, cobweb and dust bunny blocks start spawning there (not collectible only destroyable, so ppl wouldn’t be farming them lol)

Helpful post and thank you very much for your service sir.

Ability isn’t the issue so much as old abandoned builds creating urban blight/dead zones. If someone builds the ugliest house ever across from me but they play regularly and are nice, that’s all I ask for.

I was thinking having a private world could be the backup. You let your beacons go your exact blue print ( all as one) moves to it. There will be no returning it though to the online servers. But, you get your building mats in a universal dev office. Lol. Oh and this dev office has a portal you can open for 2 weeks to the location of your choice.

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