Absurd Suggestions Thread

I’d join you for sure if we had a treasure cave and oortian monsters that can eat our souls.

Imagine if we could wield the power of the ten rings and battle till death hahahaha


I don’t like how in the movie the ten rings powers are so ill defined
I don’t need a scientific explanation just to know it’s limits and powers

“Some people say he found the rings in a tomb, and they somehow grant immortality… and that’s all we will say about that.”

The Boundless fist weapons are a bit like the Ten Rings, aside from the ability to move the fists around you as a defensive tool…
As for a soul-eater thing, I mean, how would that translate? You already have an XP penalty upon death, you think we should ge more? XD

Would be cool if we they added a finisher move to each time we died haha. Just for fun!

I want the option to build a functioning spaceship for interstellar travel if I so wish. I wouldn’t, but I want the option to.



Me too !! :alien:

A special block that gives you plots whenever you mine it? (clay perhaps? but not clay soil of course)

or maybe fish tanks and fishies?
or spaceships?
or an in-game computer that searches on the web for you like a built-in browser
or spaceships?
or extra food
or oorty interfaces where you can make your own oorty?

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I’d like the # of unique visitors/users (every 24 hours or so) to be viewable in the portal UI. I think most players wouldn’t maintain portals that they knew weren’t being used & put that oort/effort into ones that were.


Not too absurd there, though maybe anything is absurd at the moment to suggest…

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this is a very good idea
I need to know if my portal hub is used at all now :stuck_out_tongue:


I really like this idea, too.

I also would like to be able to see the same information about visitors to my beacons as you can on the world control of a sovereign planet.

Knowing who your regular customers are when running a shop would be useful. I’d like to be able to reward loyal customers!


Growable trees, special desighns, start from seed, water for 10 days you get a sapling, then water for 30 days and get a small tree, working up and up to say 1000 days of watering to get the full size tree (special wood texture)… Could be kept as a showpiece, or farmed for extra valuable wooden blocks…