Add an item to the ingame money store that can be traded and converted to planetary fuel

Add an item to the in game store that’s bought with money and can be sold or bought with shop stands in game. The item can also be converted into planetary fuel.

Of course, the item would be more expensive then in the boundless store because Steam takes its cut. The item would probably cost $15 and convert into Lesser World Fuel.

This would have the advantage that people who prefer to farm coins in game could have their world paid by someone else who prefers to spend more time doing less coin efficient things. It would make the game less P2W as it adds an in game option to farm for your world fuel.

Additionally it would allow hunters to buy a 6 km world to hunt on and pay for it with sold hunt drops. This finally adds something hunters might like to buy, which gives them a better reason to hunt and take part in the market.


So basically selling coin for boundless gift cards?

What happens if not enough people decide to sell world cards one month?

While I like this idea, and am emphatically supportive of it, I want to note that it doesn’t reduce P2W, it just moves it. It’s an indirect $ -> c conversion, which is, IMO, P2W.

Again, I love the idea. I have played hundreds of hours of GW2 grinding gold to convert to gems, and support the idea in any game.


Absoluetely not. The coins are farmed by a player, not generated by Wonderstruck.

It would work like the WoW token, if you’re familiar with that.

The price would rise?

Player A Player B
Spends $15 -
Sells the item for 10000c at a request basket Buys the item for 10750 c with a request basket
- Adds 1 month a fuel to his 3km world
  • Wonderstruck made about $3 more for fueling the world.

  • The game destroyed 7.5% of the coins because request basket.

  • It doesn’t convert $ to coin, it converts $ to fuel.

  • It does redistribute coins from Player B to Player A.

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Now imagine the same scenario, except player A has $1500.

It gives a player the ability to use their real world $ to fuel a portal hub.

I agree with others that this is good for the overall health of the game, but don’t ignore the fact that this is very P2W.


Sure, but you have 3 different perspectives/transactions in there.

  • Guy with RL money trades cash for coin (P2W).
  • Guy with time trades time/coin for world fuel (normal game action).
  • WS trades world fuel for RL money (normal RMT action).

I still love the idea.


to make sure I am clear. . it does this because they used their real world $ for the fuel which sold for coin which they use to buy Oort?


I pretty sure this opposite of this is true.

The player selling the World Fuel Token is able to directly exchange real world currency for in game currency, thereby circumventing a major part of actually playing the game.



EVE Online does(did?) basically this except with their monthly subscription. From what I understand (at least at one point, this was a couple years ago that I read this) most people sold them at a “loss” just to support the game.

If that happens here, it would definitely be an improvement for the game as a whole. But the people doing the buying would end up RICH.

Do note that this person is supporting other people actually playing the game in ways they might not be able to otherwise. It’s not just greed-selfishness-benefit for only the player doing the $ buying.

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This is how Tr and RS do it too. Players that want to spend irl on coin pouches and bonds, can do so. They can then sell them to other players in the market in in-game currency or gift them to friends/players.

This provides away for young players that don’t have access to a credit card & players that can’t/won’t spend irl $ to grind to get what they need/want, without the game losing revenue.

I could see this applied more so to Gleamclub than to fuel, but that would probably work too since Boundless is encouraging groups/communities to share planet fuel costs.


That may be the case, but there are 2 sides to that coin.

It would be interesting to have ability to trade in-game goods to things like planet fuels, but it will also change game different.
If this would come available there would increase cases where coins are generated all different kind of shady methods and coins could lose purpose and only viable currency would be money tagged goods.


And if the economy were complex enough that this would destroy it, I’d be worried.

But really the only thing you can do with a lot of money is start a portal hub AFAIK.
I guess you could do weird forging experiments but… eh.

We’re already there, though. New coin comes from 3 places:

  • Achievements
  • Footfall
  • Minting

All 3 of these are already abused as far as they can be to generate more coin. Have you seen how portal hubs are beaconed?




Oh, yeah, I forgot about the obvious… you can manipulate the market as you please. For example, by setting up request baskets with ridiculously high prices - to make sure all newly generated loot goes to you. Then if you hate the game you can mint all of the community’s efforts away if you’d like - you have all the c anyway.

Of course it is but we long crossed that line.

  • The double your plots backer bonus is P2W.
  • The ability to buy cubits and therefore plots is P2W.
  • The ability to get resource rich planets and keep them for yourself? P2W.

We might agree on how strong the “P2W” effect is but spending money gives the spender a real advantage. Personally I think the double plots bonus is huge because after 2 years I’m still grinding for plots…

Unfortunately, at the moment all these P2W activities only benefit the spender. By adding this trade ability we can finally let people who are F2P also benefit from the whole situation.

Correct, but there’s only so much to buy with coins.

At the moment, with dollar you could be in the advantageous situation of getting double plots therefor circumventing the need to grind for plots (I do that).

By spending dollar you can get better resource worlds and faster obtain resources reducing the need to mind or gather for them.

I think the negative effect - someone is able to buy Oort or rare blocks without grinding - is way smaller then the positive effect - someone who doesn’t want to spend dollar can get a private world.

People already have multi digit millions in funding. To be able to pull that off you would need an insane amount of coins. To get that insane amount of coins you would have to sell an insane amount of fuel which would drop the price.

Based on past interactions, you would need to add some zeroes to your price estimate.

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No idea what the equilibrium would be.

For some people it’s easy to farm 100k per hour. They might consider 100k for 1 month fuel as cheap.

On the other side 100k can buy you easily 13 forged T6 3x3 tools.

Or with 100k you would be able to buy 370 Rough Oort which would be enough for 7 1x2 portals for 1 month.

WoW does this with Subs…but they control the coin cost to combat inflation.

I think doing that is a good idea.

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