Adding comments but getting opposite of what I ask for

Selecting the planet your sov orbits is not a feature, and the community answered that for you. I don’t know what support response you wanted to hear?

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No, developers have a label by their name.

You can only select the overall region your planets are in. Selecting which specific planet your Sovereign orbits, has never been available.

In the upper right area of this forum is a link to the devs. You can directly message them if you’d like to. You can also send an email .

Did that on 12/07/2020 @ 03:57 pm (eastern), no confirmation email received that they got my request or was a timeframe provided for a response.

Exactly. So is the community supposed to provide support to the players? My issue cannot be handled by the community.

Confirming if changing the orbit planet is possible in my request should only be handled by the company, not by a peanut gallery.

I think it’s answered in the FAQ. If selecting the specific location was an option, that would have been here.


I get it but if I reach out for the possibility of having that changed instead of doing a paypal dispute, having a refund issued, then taking another stab at getting a planet within the home hub I have setup…Just does not make sense.

Currently players are not able to select which world a sovereign world orbits. As have been shared this is referenced in the FAQ.

I think it’s worth adding why as multiple people have commented they would like to control their location.

  1. Currently a sovereign world will be attached to a world of the same level (or the closest it can find) in the desired region. This means that the universe makes sense from a difficulty perspective - so that we don’t have high level worlds orbiting lower level worlds.

  2. The automatic placement also keeps the universe balanced. If players can select the world manually then the concern was that a small set of worlds would then end up with the vast majority of sovereigns orbiting them. How would we manage the sky of a world which is orbited by 100+ worlds? So we needed to try and maintain a balanced universe.

The issue with moving a world that is already in the universe is that I don’t know what would happen with the warp or portal costs already setup within the universe.


Worlds are generated and placed online via an automatic process. The final comment question on the survey isn’t reviewed before worlds are generated.


Just because i’m legitimately curious, what is the point of the final comment question then?

I would have assumed it was to give input into how you want the world to be generated, but as this isnt the case i’m not sure what it would be for.


It was simply a question to gather general feedback from players about the game. Anything really. It’s not part of the world generation process. Sometimes people give comments about improvements they would like, etc.

If it’s confusing then we can remove it.

But we wanted to give players who don’t normally contribute to the community a mechanism to share some comments + feedback.


well, then there’s something we can possibly improve:
How about adding a check if the user already has a sovereign of the same tier so they orbit the same planet?
That way the majority of planets will be spread but users still can enjoy having their own purchased high tier planets next to each other (instead of being unable to connect them directly)

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I don’t think it should be removed, but perhaps clarifying that point about how anything commented wont affect world generation in the forum itself might help a ton.


Do you have any GENERAL COMMENTS about Boundless to share with the Dev Team?

Fair enough, but the question seems ok.


I would happily close all of the portals on my world, and eat the Oort cost to re-open, if it meant that I could move it to a different orbit.

Thank you for the answers. :+1: On this part…

… Is the system set up then to try to keep a rough balance by factoring in what is already there? Or does it just rely on RNG to keep that balance over the long run?

If it is the former, I think that is where some frustration from those of us who have been rolling has come in - led to a situation where we just assumed (this is on us, to be clear, but just explaining why I think the feelings are the way they are) that the odds were equal, so if we tried enough should go our way, though RNG is RNG, independent events. But if, say, Player X decided to scrap a bunch of planets around one of two options for that server/tier, leading to a 30:8 ratio on that, then if the system was weighting that and then giving heavy preference to putting new ones around the planet with 8, then those of us with the bad luck to try for the one with 30 right then were looking at much lower than 50-50 odds without realizing it. Someone telling me after trying (edit: to get a certain build around Alcyon, that bad streak I referenced in an earlier post) that it appeared to be weighted and not random was where I had my rage-quit moment… not a complaint, I’ve totally cooled off about that, but just info from a customer perspective of where the frustration set in, in my own case.

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wts sovereign planet orbiting Biitula, $500.

The universe aims to remain balanced - so I believe - the world selection takes all current worlds into account. (I think this is how it works, but I could be mistaken. But I’d rather answer than not.)


Thanks, appreciated!! :+1:

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Doing a PayPal dispute for not liking something stated in the FAQ after you bought it is an abuse of the system and some games …not sure about this one would ban someone for it.


Maybe I thought us east shedu was the only east coast t6?

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