Adding comments but getting opposite of what I ask for

I don’t think it should be removed, but perhaps clarifying that point about how anything commented wont affect world generation in the forum itself might help a ton.


Do you have any GENERAL COMMENTS about Boundless to share with the Dev Team?

Fair enough, but the question seems ok.


I would happily close all of the portals on my world, and eat the Oort cost to re-open, if it meant that I could move it to a different orbit.

Thank you for the answers. :+1: On this part…

… Is the system set up then to try to keep a rough balance by factoring in what is already there? Or does it just rely on RNG to keep that balance over the long run?

If it is the former, I think that is where some frustration from those of us who have been rolling has come in - led to a situation where we just assumed (this is on us, to be clear, but just explaining why I think the feelings are the way they are) that the odds were equal, so if we tried enough should go our way, though RNG is RNG, independent events. But if, say, Player X decided to scrap a bunch of planets around one of two options for that server/tier, leading to a 30:8 ratio on that, then if the system was weighting that and then giving heavy preference to putting new ones around the planet with 8, then those of us with the bad luck to try for the one with 30 right then were looking at much lower than 50-50 odds without realizing it. Someone telling me after trying (edit: to get a certain build around Alcyon, that bad streak I referenced in an earlier post) that it appeared to be weighted and not random was where I had my rage-quit moment… not a complaint, I’ve totally cooled off about that, but just info from a customer perspective of where the frustration set in, in my own case.

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wts sovereign planet orbiting Biitula, $500.

The universe aims to remain balanced - so I believe - the world selection takes all current worlds into account. (I think this is how it works, but I could be mistaken. But I’d rather answer than not.)


Thanks, appreciated!! :+1:

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Doing a PayPal dispute for not liking something stated in the FAQ after you bought it is an abuse of the system and some games …not sure about this one would ban someone for it.


Maybe I thought us east shedu was the only east coast t6?

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Err… I would have probably saved that argument for the dispute, if any… :sweat_smile:


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2 T6 in every region.

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It should spawn in the region you want and tier it is, right? I had no idea where my T1 would end up, but it landed exactly where I would have asked for, and everything else landed right where I expected it to. Does this randomness kick in at a certain tier or regoin or did I just get lucky?

Same-tier planets in the same region shouldn’t be crazy far apart tho. Actually I absoutely don’t understand why higher tier planets are parabolically more expensive to port to.

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It would be nice to have an option for which worlds you CAN orbit. For example, if someone wants to orbit Tana, but it’s “full”, it would be almost as good to orbit Pheminorum or Kada which are each only one blink away. Just a thought.


Yes but shedu to houches is like 54 blink secs apart…same tier same time zone…that’s the issue I have.

Opening a portal on guild t6 sov to the houches I planet(s) is 54 blink secs. The talents only allow up to 44 blink sec’s away.


I wish, but only if it could be automated so no dev needs to be tortured, we could ‘swap’ two planets. Say, I got a t6 a Shedu and Hor and I like Hor’s planet better but Shedu’s location…poof switch! I pay for both but I get to also keep the balance!

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Honestly my guild decided to help out on this. A few members donated keys to gen planets and play the lottery. So far we have a 3km planet of each elemental type + 1 coal world at level 6. Now in 4 weeks houches I will not be balanced :frowning:

hey james powerman here when you have a moment i have a few questions sir and im seeing a problem with the auto loot again anyway message me when you can sir have a good one be safe