Allow Warping Using Coordinates

Under the locations tab you can manually enter a location. I’d guess you could make a location and then warp vis that location.

So i created a tool that allows you to figure out the approximate coordinates of your destination to do what @Gorillastomp suggested as a small workaround which is using the Warp Augmentation in the sanctum. The tool is hosted on the Roblox platform as a “game”, the reason for this is that it’s completely free and it’s accessible to everyone as long as they have an account. Here is a video of me warping to a random item, details are in the description:

You can look up the shop cords on the boundless lexicon

The issue is you have to just wait for the planet to spin around… its just an annoyance that isn’t going to get added anytime soon because this is one of those “nice to haves” not a “need to have” that is going to make more players stay or start playing.

so this if ever will probably be put on the Soon™ schedule.

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Oh wow, i wasn’t aware of that resource… Thank you for sharing! Well, i think people should use that instead of my tool. It was a fun experience creating my tool though!

Yeah, you do have to wait but it takes like 20-40 seconds for the backside to be right in front of you. If you know how the planet rotates and how the coordinates are laid out, it makes it so much faster to figure out where your destination is on the planet. As you may have seen in my video, i was able to find my destination fairly quickly but missed my shot by 500 blocks just by being in a hurry since it was about to go behind the planet.

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I tried coordinate warping to cheat in the reaper trials and get to the destination.

Thats how i found out it didnt exist


oy thats all that matters :smiley: as long as you had fun doing something it was worth the time, plus it was a good learning experience

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Previous game experience with other MMO’s taught me to go prepared when venturing out.
So when I first left the safety of my small area, I had about 100 cooked earthyams, 9 each of stone hammer, axe, and shovel.


It took me about a month to move from outside the wall of neighborinoville were i landed to inside, the first time i saw players come near me i logged off :rofl:

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Yes, my experience this day taught me that valuable lesson and to this day I have never ever again left home unprepared.

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I moved in immediately, and then moved back out about 2-3 months later to make room for the new people. Roman added the wall later to mark Neighborinoville’s territory.

Raxxa’s a nice place. Neighborinoville is one of my favorite places on Raxxa. My original place was near Raxxa’s old capital. I want to move again someday either back to Raxxa having my megabase on a lake or maybe Houchus I

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I just did this recently… I thought? You have to create the location first, then warp to it.

One of my alts lived there and one day the wall dissapeared.

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Ever since I got the hang of BUTT I’ve been doing a lot of 2k runs to buy stuff at stores that are frustruatingly never near the portal I took to the planet :D. It is asolutely infuriating to put that much into it only to find some douchecanoe’s buried the loot where you can’t get to it.

Roman quit playing. The wall was his and had 4 month fuel on it, but that eventually ran out.
Neighborinoville guild still exists, but unless Roman or Balltongue ever come back, no one can join the guild.
The area where the village was has now returned to the wild. Even @xyberviri has since moved on.

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Ha, I’ve had one of those! I walked around above ground trying to look for an entrance and even dug underneath to see if they left an opening. Finally concluded that the only way in and out was through the portal which I had no way of accessing.

Anyways, back to the topic, do you think your runs would be faster if you were allowed to input specific coordinates and warp there?


So wait, I must know you from there then, right? Solgatito, who I think was a boy in shades of blue with bolt antlers at the time. I forget (I do this all the time, it’s not you it’s me) what your av’s name was again.

Dain bramage makes doing the math for that operation in my head reallllly slow going for me, and bleakly funnily to boot and for the same reason, it takes a lot lot lot lot of practice to make an external reference (this forum, discord, Steam, info sites, etc) site or tool finally pick up enough muscle memory to become a time/drustration saver–though once I’ve got muscle memory on a thing and I can see the font size and etc etc etc (PS PS black letters on a dark green sign under silk mint gleam are invisible to someone strolling by at night to go build something on that sweet looking spit of land near the DC hub, sorry about the mess) otherwise I’d do it all the time. I keep meaning to make sure I’m remembering correctly that I’d managed to turn coordinates into a location token in order to warp to it, I might totally have gotten distracted in the middle of it by the realisation I’d used one of the precious tiny number of slots for locations we’re built with… I shold go check than rather than rambling in words while trying to see the memory… what were we talking about? Why am I here? Who are you people? That planet looks nice, I hope we can be friends.

wrt trying to get to someone’s inaccessible har har har and/or footfall sucker (portals often burnt out or nonexistent), like a week ago my cynicism filter that uses my guts to intuit the hassle/reward ratio with a modifier for how long it’ll take me to stop nursing butthurt over running into another inacessible listing after x amount of hassle… cultivating my bouncy gregarious sociable personality takes a lot of computation and energy oo was that my out loud voice but this was even worse for having a strongly augmented and stubbornly fixed personal context complete with demoraleising desperation for oooooooort and after digging out everything around the slightly underground locked room with the shop stand in it, well after digging that much I felt fine, so no biggie I spose, and the planet heals.

Maybe adding another “favorite” type starlike symbol that we can check or toggle or something (I assume cookies save the states?) would let us flag for ourselves the shops we’ve gotten salty feelings over so we see that pip and don’t go back? Making it per-user’s own state setting keeps those gripes local to the player’s computer, so it wouldn’t be an abusable datapoint.

I just realised we’re evolving like LambdaMOO did, but without needing the heavy code-enforced simulation of vetted direct democracy. Their system was amazing imo, finding a home for it was more trouble than the ability for the citizens to even vote the MOO out of existence entirely. This was a MOO running in the spirit of experiment and completely on open code, I’m not recommending anything at all like that here, but admiring the community for being able to build up each other’s techniques and info resources with such a great spirit. God I sound sappy but seriously I’ve never seen anything like it across an entire game, only within this or that unofficial/player-admin server commnities or specific mod-oriented communities, especially the [the specific term for this escapes me at the moment-they could be designed to be stackable and safe so it wasn’t always that type of mod but others often went pretty deep and completely and utterly changed the game into something else, complete with tons of testers and QA and work to create it (I dunno if you can tell how badly I want to be a modder someday)] mods with so much reach that they had their own happy community delighted to be involved in building a whole new game from the game they already (mostly) loved. Oh look, a squirrel,

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Ahhuh… sooo no? I guess a favorites tab would be neat but I feel like it wouldn’t help with getting to my destination faster. Sure, I guess I could be one of those people who goes on long walks for the people you meet along the way and I sometimes enjoy that but the times when I just want to reach my destination to complete a personal errand makes me feel rude when I come across someone because I don’t want to spend an extra 5 minutes saying high to someone when I’m already 20 minutes into walking towards my destination. I don’t like being rude

If you ever come across a shop where the doors are locked, or there’s no way to get in, report it.
The Devs have already stated that even if you have portal access, you still need to have at least one physical entrance.