Alright, so I took the courage to become a Wayfarer on the early access and these are my thoughts so far

Where is the voice chat in this game? It seriously needs it.

Secondly, why is all the housing overprotected? A house should not become a ‘relic’ for any reason like it’s a dungeon without enemies, it draws the point of PVP away. Raiding needs to happen, walls need to have some resistance but they should be able to be broken into, survival must be put to the test. All this beaconing system really turns me off when all I want to do is bait people into raiding me and falling into a deathtrap. There needs to be a possibility to loot the victims when they are lured into raiding the wrong vilage, yeah? The beaconing system may save some from griefing, but then again, it’s a survival game, isn’t it? We want to feel powerful as we progress, not weak. We don’t want another minecraft, so far this is the game with potential to have a common universe where there is everything (maybe with gates between PvP and PvE regions), but the hardcore players really do want to build out in the open and near like-minded players. We need features that strengthen the point of having a tribe and a base.

If you play Pixark, -assumes 99% don’t- you’ll realize the factor of replayability relies mostly on the freedom to decide whether a server is Chaos (PvP), Fury (Hybrid PvP/PvE) or Pionnering (PvE only), the downside of pixark really is the player capacity capping around the 100 active players on a server at a time, the upside is that most of the known players are in the same server regularly because they ‘get it’ already, so whenever a new server comes up with 0 uptime they all get into it and the campaign begins until it’s over or the limited map area has been really tampered with, there’s tons of ways of being aggressive and defensive, either through animal tames, industrial technology or magic. However the more interesting aspect of the game after building a stable base or hiding below the rocks really is the tribe and the diplomacy, with the openness of allowing people to destroy your buildings and your hard earned gear inside the chests should they decide to grief it locked or not, it becomes the incentive to grow stronger and push back, which sprouts the necessity to forge relations with other tribes, despite being different factions, and see tribes get together by will and not by obligation.

If you want the server activity to thrive all there needs to be is a place where the training wheels are left and the collective of organisms get together to build and risk their bags, and the possibility to earn more bags, to build massive structures that can be seen from afar to invite others to explore, join as recruits or challenge such tribe.

Just think about it… Cause we’ve already played all the other voxel games out there, and some of them have been deserted for different reasons. What’s the point of landmarks that are invulnerable for active or inactive players alike? In pixark you can’t build near the enemy structure in PvP however it doesn’t limit you from destructing their structure so you can construct the train tracks passing through that area even if it takes time to destroy. Do I make sense?

PvP is planned, but after launch. We don’t have many details on it, but it is planned.


That’s good to know! But for now, it’s like by choice players have to wait for it, while it should be progressing towards already being entertaining!

I think you’ll find that many people here aren’t looking for PvP. That’s not really the market Boundless is after imo.

It’s more of a cooperative building and trading game.


I already find boundless to be entertaining and have played over 900 hours and plan on continuing to play. I for one bought it because it is not PvP but PvE. If a PVP option is offered in the future, I would not participate in that aspect of the game.


I want PvP (players attacking one another) as well but I am also a merchant type of player at the same time.

Besides, need to get the majority of the stuff that will attract players to the game first before secondary features are implemented. The PvE isn’t even that compelling to experience right now and we lack a variety of monsters to fight in general. Not including the Titans and Protector monsters.

Competition between shops is pretty fierce and is definitely a PvP source without any bloodshed of characters. It’s currently the only form of PvP offered.


we just use discord, it’s a great alternative and you are not forced to use up CPU power and bandwidth when some of our computers are already struggling to just run the game smoothly (like us mac users) I use it on my phone and it doesn’t affect my gameplay at all, I can even get up to go to the fridge and refill my drink while still listening to voice chat. This is also a game for casual players :wink:

Absolutely No.
this is not that kind of game.
This is a sandbox game so we can do whatever we want, there are a lot of casual players and builders that just want to build something magnificent and keep it there for people to see.
you know?


I say play PvE all you want, sure, but also allow there to be regions where there’s no rules regarding griefing, and also add more adaptability, the taming system works because when someone hits you, your tames respond, or even the floor spike or wall spike traps, even bumpers to throw someone off a cliff would be greatness to have as an option. cause nothing teaches you how to build and get better than having someone stepping on you and your friend’s toes. I’m still not quite fond of the coins, I feel like it adds nothing new or desirable in comparison to just crafting higher level stuff and being able to share with your party and risk having it stolen even. I need to have more choices, skill points and stat points, which boundless somehow integrates but also limits, you can max the ‘power’ stats really fast and you don’t quite feel powerful yet, which leads me to think there should be more to it, intelligence really does nothing for you when all it does is increase the healing potency, and the storage is super restricted, it’s really expensive to add space, which I think a weight based system without slot limitations (or at least not as restricted) would make it more enjoyable to the player.

To be honest I play this game because there isn’t a pvp source. If I wanted pvp I would go back to keeping people in cages in Ark. This is my game to relax without the constant annoyance of tranqing and feeding/watering idiots so they can’t attack me when I am out of game. PvP in that game turned into a job and there is a reason that the community there, and in most game likes that, is awful.

If/when they add combative pvp, I’m sure it will be on dedicated planets because, as mentioned before, pvpers are not going to be their bread and butter. The game doesn’t have the combat capabilities to have a good pvp game, plus with all of the worlds being connected you would have “megatribes” of hundreds or thousands of players that would ruin the entire game in the name of their “superiority” just like in Ark. Leaving anyone that wanted to simply play with a few friends to go play on private servers. I’ve played on the official servers of ark for well over 3k hours. The player base has steadily devolved to the point where I no longer feel bad about permanently keeping most other players in cages and killing/destroying everything they own.

Combative PvP doesn’t have a place in the game as it currently is, and it won’t have a place in the majority of the game even after release. This game is oriented to a different type of player and this community doesn’t need to have that type of toxicity in it.


You’re toxic by suggesting a feature is toxic. What does PvP desirability have to do with toxicity? No use or reason OR agreeability whatsoever. PvP in no way equates to toxicity but rather competitiveness, challenge, and achievement. All of them are valuable as positive, not as ‘toxic’ in any way. Don’t close up on your tunnel vision.

Well stay in a PvE region, but in the meantime, those who desire to build something magnificent that is also playerproof don’t want to build because the achievement gets there as soon as you hit the beacon building capability in the beginning of the game.

  1. Build main base on PvE region
  2. Raid someone on PvP region
  3. Bring stolen goods back to PvE region

“but… but… we’ll have the regions locked to different servers” - Boundless prides itself on being an interconnected universe with responsive portals. So different servers/universes wouldn’t be great…

I’m sorry to say this, but perhaps this game isn’t the best fit for you. It’s not in the same market as Ark, Pixark, Conan Exiles, etc.


I am curious why you purchased a game that did not have PvP? Obviously this is a major disappointment to you. You are not the first person that has purchased the game and then insisted that it was missing something by not having PvP. With all the PvP games out there, why does Boundless have to be one of them?

I strongly disagree with this statement. You may feel this way, but do not speak for everyone. The fact that the beacon protects my build takes nothing away from it and encourages me to build something magnificent. Why spend many hours building something to have someone tear it down? I do not want to have everything I build be a fortress. That is not the game I bought.


To those suggesting this game is not intended for PvP players cause it’s not the intended market, c’mon, that’s disrespectful to the rest of the players. My brother bought it, he closed it and stopped playing and I didn’t believe it until now I got it. We are the market too, we bought the game and now we’re here talking in the forum trying to suggest changes to increase the quality of life of the game itself. Of course, you can always stay in the safe novice grasslands or the PvE protected zones all your life in the game if you want. But there has to be a game out there to build and for others to reach… Anyone feel me? Stop using the ‘no, it’s not for that market’ that’s just an excuse, because it would be free to include in the game as an option, not everyone wants PvP, but sure as hell a LOT of players want the survival factor, the PvP, the challenge, reaching out into doomlands and establishing a settlement, as any other MMO would let players fantasize about.

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I say it’s fair if you want to build something indestructible in creative mode, or in single player, or in PvE, but you’re entirely missing the point of building a wall and upgrading it, and getting proper furniture which still doesn’t exist in game, seriously, if you can prove to me that people like being in your beacon long enough to be worth it for the community versus my vision… Well fair enough, I’ll just uninstall it for not being my type of game. Instead when you build something nice and give a little more freedom, people will find the way to get in it and explore it, risking losing the stuff they found in other adventures, they will still find the appeal to get in. Ever heard of the phrase “Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth.” by Archimedes? Well he’s dead but I’m here, and I think the same, if you give me a point where I can support myself, I can make a PvP world with rules that are appealing to players, it would be all over twitch with streamers and their crews doing everything they can to build a little more, to gain a new level, to grow a guild, to make a tribe. All it takes is a little sense of adventure, sense of being a game master who knows how to entertain the role player.

beacon protection is there for a reason. to protect.

no it wouldn’t because there is no reason to hit another player. there’s no xp gain, players don’t drop anything, you keep your inventory upon death, so there is no reason for it.

what? no, that just isn’t nice at all, that sounds like a jerk move to me, not greatness. :pensive:

the coins are what drives the entire economy… there are shops and trading revolved around this… :thinking:
plus unless your plot runs out, there isn’t any stealing, but if that happens that your fault for letting it run out or not keeping track of your beacons.

I hear you on these points. But there is good news! the next update will completely rearrange the skill tree so we shall see what happens.
the power stat isn’t the only important one… Mastery plays a big role beyond iron and even swing speed can seemingly make a difference even though it just makes you hit more times and deplete durability, but there’s other skills for that.
Intelligence really is only good when its maxed out… but that takes a lot of points if you have other attributes maxed.
The devs have mentioned somewhere they think the current max *inventory space should be the default. Hopefully that will happen soon.
there may or may not be a lot of sacrifices you make in the skill tree for quality of life stuff (I know I do)

Me too :slight_smile:

whoa whoa there’s no reason to be name calling here,

mmm nope, actually it is quite negative. there is no positive gain from pvp. only negative gain, even if you did get anything out of it, especially if that person has something to lose.
if this game adopted any kind of pvp or item loss upon death, I would very likely stop playing this game.

so you’d rather see a barren wasteland of ruined builds than beautiful masterpieces? sounds like you’re looking for a different kind of game to play.


First boundless is not a single player game. It is a series of interconnected planets with the movement between the planets via portals or warps being a key component. It has a (in my opinion) fairly robust economy dependent on the free movement of people and resources. It has no sandbox mode as again the game is dependent on an interconnected universe.

The developers are going to offer the chance to rent a server to have your own private planet. On such a planet you can change the rules versus the interconnected universe. You are isolated from the rest of the Boundless universe (no movement of materials or characters between the rented planet and rest of the Universe) If you want to rent a planet and make it PvP, where the resources are locked to that planet. Go ahead. That does not diminish the play or the interaction between the rest of the players.

I will have to agree with @ctrl-64. If the focus of the game shifted to PvP in the open part of the universe, I would quit playing.


Out of curiosity:

  • Yes - I would like to see PvP in Boundless
  • No - I would not like to see PvP in Boundless
  • I am unsure

0 voters


building stuff in creative mode is not rewarding at all, you design and tweak it in creative mode and rebuild it in survival for the achievement and recognition. so people can see it long after you’ve built it.
having anyone or anything outside your beacon running out of fuel destroy or modify it should be absolutely out of the question.


I’m totally ok with PvP als long as it is an opt-in feature.
PvP Worlds for example are totally fine with me, as long as the rest of the universe stays the same and it’s a free choice to enter those worlds.