After seeing so much discussion on the forum about the trade system I have finally broken, I can no longer just ignore and keep my thoughts to myself. I have done this in a new thread because I don’t want to target anyone in particular, I just want to give my thoughts on the matter and hopefully help steer some people in a better direction or maybe just cheer someone up with terrible jokes. If anything this is directed at the entire community and what better way to make friends than to tell the entire community that it’s all your fault and we could be doing things better!!! … just kidding (mostly).
DISCLAIMER - Good luck reader, my mind is a disturbing place and you may in fact walk away dumber (less intelligent) than you were before reading this. This is a wall of text, this is disjointed, this is incoherent, this is a rant and you most likely will find something you disagree with. Unfortunately you can’t say much on here that won’t get <3 from some and hate from others, well so be it. END DISCLAIMER
#1 Insane rant
click here to read something I should of kept to myself
I, personally, am against the idea of an auction house
(ducks for cover)…That’s right I said it! I’m allowed an opinion right!!! Because that is all that it is, my opinion. But lucky for you reader-who-is-now-slightly-dumber-than-you-were-at-the-start-of-this-thread because I am going to explain why I feel this way.
Essentially it would be one giant step away from Boundless being a “creative sandbox” by removing all the creative elements of being a “trader”. Currently there are countless possible ways to be a successful trader in this game and they allow the clever,the bold, the creative and the imaginative ones to be rewarded for finding unique ways to do so. A universal auction house would encourage/reward only one way to trade, and stifle what drives many (not all) people to create and build in this game.
Those that are currently wealthy and have more money than they can ever spend (no offense intended at those people, you have played this game well) would then have an in game tool that allowed them to control the market entirely, they could buy anything and everything they wanted without ever having to lift a figurative finger. People will no longer reap the rewards of their work and imagination and excellent service to the customer but instead will be rewarded for their ability to buy. The ruthless will thrive, and the generous/helpful will not.
#2 Stupid idea
I have been mulling over ways to create an auction house in game for sometime… The idea being that I have request baskets accepting location tokens which I buy at 0c each, I have a shop stand selling these location tokens for 100c each. I have a basket/stand for every single item in the game… or actually maybe just for every category of item in the game… no that’s too big a job so maybe just every category of shop in the game… or… you get the idea. Too much work, too many holes, too many flaws, too many ways to troll the system. Maybe we could get the tools to make this work, one day.
#3 what, he’s still talking?
Personally I approved of the trade network, it allowed me to discover new player builds and shops and also to bring players to mine, it gave me the knowledge to buy and sell even long after it stopped working. To me it was essentially a way of “advertising” and I believe this is what is needed: a better, in game way to spread the word/advertise and an easier way for players to find buyers/sellers. There is some potential for players to do this currently but there definitely could be better tools given to us to achieve this.
Large cities and networks seem too wholly focused on selling/claiming “prime” real estate and maximizing footfall, perhaps they could consider selling advertising: billboard spaces, noticeboards, etc. And of course there are tools that we could be given to do this/manage this better.
#5 wtf is he thinking asking questions of the big guilds?
Players seem to gather materials with no place to sell to, with no idea if it is even in demand, simply because it is easy to get lots of it… this makes little practical sense to me. Why mine/chop/gather something if there is no use/demand for it? I don’t gather/collect anything I don’t need and expect it to sell itself (I am a hoarder though), but if I hear of or if I stumble upon an opportunity to sell something at a good price then I jump on the opportunity and go gather that in demand item or rush home to get some I have hoarded for a rainy day.
Tier 5/6 network owners… why do I not see shop stands and request baskets both buying and selling diamonds in McKrib or Emeralds in Shedu Teir right in the middle of yours and every other hub on that planet? You have the power and the influence to control the market price of these materials and this would in fact be a way to get more people to use your network over another. Have the best buy price and the best sell price and everyone will use your network! If players find every request basket is no longer buying on a planet then that would indicate the gem is probably not worth mining and it would in fact be cheaper to buy from one of the full shop stands. If they are mining to make money then they would simply go to another planet where the gem is in demand.
#37 was that a suggestion or the recipe for a top-secret in game recipe?
I feel there is an entire profession waiting to be exploited by someone still, the “broker”, someone with vast knowledge of the economy, of supply and demand and the location of many many baskets and shop stands throughout the planets. Someone who can not only enable transactions but also advise players:
One person says they cannot find a buyer, another says they cannot find a seller, and both are saying it is too hard to find one another… then another someone comes along and says something silly like
You’re both idiots! You just need to know where to look!
… do you get where I’m going with this you three? Or do I need to spell it out for you…? Of course I do…
The third person is right, but is not helping. The first 2 are expecting to get what they want without having to work for it… perhaps if all 3 were a little more open minded and cooperative they could work together… and hey voila! Buyer gets item, seller gets money and the broker gets a nice little 100c finders fee (@Tamelcoe, lol) just for knowing them.
#1 you thought this was an ordered list of headings and then I lost track at #5 right?
Anyway rant over and the voices in my head have stopped for now! Sorry, just some thoughts I’ve been stewing on for a while! And thankyou for reading.
#K but K isn’t even a number? Is this guy drunk?
See, I told you this thread would reduce your IQ.