Long Rant Below:
My honest opinion about Boundless and the current economy is that this game will never grow until we have an in game way to find items/shops. I know a lot of people are set in their ways on how the current economy is how things should be, but at some point we have to try something different.
I agree that we should not be able to walk to some form of auction house, make a couple of clicks and suddenly have an item appear in our mailboxes. Instead, if we had an in game version of Boundless Trade Network or something similar then we would see more people involved in the economy. The only condition is you still need to visit the shop stand to buy the item.
This does not prevent players that want to explore from exploring. This encourages people who only want to shop to also explore. I didn’t shop pre BTN, its frustrating and a waste of time. After BTN i discovered more new places than ever. Now that the site is down again, i stopped shopping again. I know I’m only one person, but I know I’m not the only person.
We should not have to use out of game means to do anything. Discord, forums, etc. should not be the main source of the economy. Wasting time traveling through countless dead shops is a slap in the face, i’d rather go play monopoly by myself.
I don’t want to take away some people’s main way to play Boundless, but I also want to think about players who just don’t want to be bothered with the current economy system. Players who are just starting out and have no idea about malls/markets/these massive shops. Just because some of us like to explore doesn’t mean the next person wants to spend 2 hours of their day looking for someone selling silver bars.
My Only Alternative to an Auction House/Item Locator
Fix the chat system so the in game trade system is usable. Fix the pm system.
I am, however, open to the devs introducing more tools before fully committing to an auction house to see how it goes. But in my opinion the economy needs to be the next big feature that gets a change going forward.
Now flame me!