Anoobis ~ My last build

I can even supply you some gravel or sand… like a few stacks of them. And I am sure moebius will be happy to supply you with mud, dulki can spare LOTS of sand. :slight_smile:

Place a large portal at each side of the plot, connected to the other side. Thats how alien invisibility cloaking works.


Maybe you could leave him a sign across from his sign to tell him that this wasn’t what you had planned for the city and to move his brutalist skyscraper to another location and rebuild something more appropriate to the theme in the city that way maybe he will try to play nice (he might think he is being funny) or prove that he intended to be a jerk all along. Then if that doesn’t solve it, you could build a decorative temple/ wall around his brutalist skyscraper with a little door at he bottom so people can still get in. That way we can try to respond politely and bring him into the community instead of pushing him further away and getting even worse building disasters from him/her in the future.


As tempting as that is, I’d just be replacing one eye-sore with another.

Unfortunately, as nice as that sounds, this isn’t the type of player that cares what others think …

Apologies to anyone that joined me in Anoobis (I thank you for sharing my vision), but by the end of the weekend, Anoobis will be no more.

Ouch, I didn’t realize he was that immature.
@Stretchious Reading through some of his other forum activity though, he has been involved with community hunts and been helpful on the forums, so maybe he would be open to talking about it, even though his reaction in that thread was pretty negative towards respect for community builds.

Please tell me you are going to rebuild it. Because it was cool and the totem was awesome, and OMG Stretchious I will help you rebuild it if you need an extra pair of hands.


Me too! I hate seeing this stuff happens to people. I am more than willing to lend a hand with ANYTHING you need.

I’m not going to rebuild it - I’ll be splitting my resources between a couple of other builds with other people. When private worlds are released, I’ll be first in line … maybe then Planet Anoobis can takes it’s place :wink:

The totem was actually built by @donbab - I guess it’s up to him what he does with that now!


There will definitely be a Planet Frost. Although I won’t call it that lol. I’ll rent a server and let people be capital if that’s what they want. I just want a server where I can keep everything nice and ammicable.

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I’m getting a server, and tinkering with it as much as possible :joy:

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Oh man so sorry, just when I was about to join that place. It started off really amazing tho! As for the guy who built the shitty tower, even tho he’s technically right about claiming and building whatever he wants, it’s obvious that he just wanted to take the ■■■■ and destroy a beautiful place.

Bigger and better things… :wink:

@Stretchious, join us in buiding on the City of Steam, It’s @Cookviper 's and @KKBell 's great build and would greatly benefit from a dedicated builder like yourself!


Any established communities looking for a relocated Totem of Noobishness and soon(ish) to be built Lite Cube of Noobishness?


Maybe we can add it to Black Light?
@HotelTime @Zina @Jeffrotheswell


Shot some pretty cool photos of a Anoobis before it is gone.
A view from above. Yeah, you know where I was standing.

I love these little arches with the tiny diamond shaped lights.

It has a balcony!! and some really nice framework on the windows. Talk about attention to detail.

I really like that this fountain, it doubles as a compass!


yup we would love to make a space for your totam.

Now to figure out how many hammers I’ll need to dismantle that behemoth. Took about 4 days to build and never finished the vine.


I’m so sorry you guys had to pull the plug. Some great talent there. Welcome to Black Light any time.


Sorry Don - really wanted to see it finished… but would have preferred to actually have been able to see from the window of my main house. It was such an impressive site and really made the town